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Muslims Banned From Praying In Streets


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Two subjugated women in thrall to the veil have been fined for wearing it in France.


It's obviously a test case they intend to take all the way to European Court of Human Rights.


I hope they lose. I absolutely agree on the banning of overtly religious symbolism in French schools. Because that's the place where intolerance and integration can take root. If they're all the same at least integration has a chance...

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Firstly, this law is that face-covering is banned in public. Not just in schools - where I think there is a very good case for a ban.

Banning it in public is a gross infringement of civil liberties.


But is not an overtly religious symbol. It is only Muslims who wear them, but isn't necessary to wear them. It's more a cultural thing.


I do wonder if you are serious about what you seem to be implying when you mean integration. Are in favour of policies that force people who are different to become like others? Your in favour of a line of thinking that tells people be like us or you are not allowed to get a bus or get access to public services?


Why do you think anyone is justified in tellings other what to wear?

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Firstly, this law is that face-covering is banned in public. Not just in schools - where I think there is a very good case for a ban.

Banning it in public is a gross infringement of civil liberties.


But is not an overtly religious symbol. It is only Muslims who wear them, but isn't necessary to wear them. It's more a cultural thing.


I do wonder if you are serious about what you seem to be implying when you mean integration. Are in favour of policies that force people who are different to become like others? Your in favour of a line of thinking that tells people be like us or you are not allowed to get a bus or get access to public services?


Why do you think anyone is justified in tellings other what to wear?


So why do 'they' dictate to us that we can't fly St Georges Flag on British buildings, shouldn't celebrate Christmas and do many other things we have done since time began? It's not a lot to ask that if they come to live here, they abide by our rules and regulations and not try to change us to their customs and beliefs.

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Firstly, this law is that face-covering is banned in public. Not just in schools - where I think there is a very good case for a ban.

Banning it in public is a gross infringement of civil liberties.


But is not an overtly religious symbol. It is only Muslims who wear them, but isn't necessary to wear them. It's more a cultural thing.


I do wonder if you are serious about what you seem to be implying when you mean integration. Are in favour of policies that force people who are different to become like others? Your in favour of a line of thinking that tells people be like us or you are not allowed to get a bus or get access to public services?


Why do you think anyone is justified in tellings other what to wear?


blather waffle waffle then the boded.


Loaded straw or what.


No-one would be telling them to do anything, we would be offering them a home if they adopt our customs and tradition, if they do not want to do that, then they can liv somewhere else of their choice.

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Loaded straw as in straw man? Not at all. The issue is about the something or someone tellings others what they can wear in public. Nobody should have that power. And social cohesion is not a good enough justification to overrule such basic liberties.


And there is no requirement for other people to adopt the customs of another when they live abroad. Although that is irrelevant to the issue here, as it isn't claimed to be about integration but supposedly about oppression of these women.

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I do wonder if you are serious about what you seem to be implying when you mean integration. Are in favour of policies that force people who are different to become like others? Your in favour of a line of thinking that tells people be like us or you are not allowed to get a bus or get access to public services?


Are they different? They're flesh and blood like everyone else. Their beliefs are different. I'm ok with that. Except for a major cultural clash. In the UK we have a culture of taking the piss out of religion. It doesn't suit everyone but look around you - what do you see? There's only one planet so we ALL have to share it. So they have a choice. Accept the culture of where they are currently living or simply piss off to some Islamic shit-hole more suited to their stone-age ideals. Suits me just fine, after all, why should the majority have to bend to the will of the tiny veil-obsessed minority?


A word of very good advice. DON'T get in my face about it or you will cause the inevitable backlash to swing further and further against you...

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I do wonder if you are serious about what you seem to be implying when you mean integration. Are in favour of policies that force people who are different to become like others? Your in favour of a line of thinking that tells people be like us or you are not allowed to get a bus or get access to public services?


Are they different? They're flesh and blood like everyone else. Their beliefs are different. I'm ok with that. Except for a major cultural clash. In the UK we have a culture of taking the piss out of religion. It doesn't suit everyone but look around you - what do you see? There's only one planet so we ALL have to share it. So they have a choice. Accept the culture of where they are currently living or simply piss off to some Islamic shit-hole more suited to their stone-age ideals. Suits me just fine, after all, why should the majority have to bend to the will of the tiny veil-obsessed minority?


A word of very good advice. DON'T get in my face about it or you will cause the inevitable backlash to swing further and further against you...

I have to agree PK. We are forced to observe the customs and culture of other countries while visiting or living in them, why should others not extend the same courtesy to us?


Unfortunately there are those who are actively trying to change our culture and customs to suit themselves and they are a growing minority. We should have taken a firmer stance at the beginning and let people know that they are welcome to live here and worship as they like, but we will not be willing to change our culture or laws to the detriment of our citizens!

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I wasn't claiming they were non-humans. I don't really know why you mentioned it and don't know why you have brought up religion again.

They already accept your culture, that's why they are in the British Isles. But they no doubt want to retain aspects of their culture so they don't lose their identity through integration.


And how are you bending to the will of these veiled-obsessed minority? Is someone round your neck of the woods been forcing you to wear the burqa? If so, I would agree with you. That is awful to people to tell you what you must wear. How dare they.

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