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Scrap Food Sell-By Dates, Uk Government Urges Manufacturers


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Sell-by dates should be removed from food packaging to help cut waste and save shoppers money, ministers say.

The UK throws away about £12bn of edible food each year and critics say confusing packaging is partly to blame.

New government advice says firms should include only use-by or best-before dates and remove sell-by and display-until labels relating to stock control.


The figures they give in support claim that

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) says five million tonnes of edible food is discarded by UK households annually - the equivalent of £680 for a household with children.


Quite shocking really.

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I agree. I went on holiday for two weeks and left some tomatoes in the fridge and when I came back they still looked as if I had just bought them, ripe to eat. The amount of GM Frankenfood on sale now bears little resemblance to real food anyway, it doesn't go off as it's not real to start with so there's no point putting a best before date on it.


Only buy local, organic produce and stick two fingers up to the big corporations who churn out their plastic food which has about as much nourishment as a plank of wood.

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