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Dale Farm Row


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Support them, LDV? They have broken the law. If they want to be treated equally, then they should learn to live within the laws.


*pulls up a chair



Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! How about people have no option but to join a society that is already FULL of people telling others what they can and cannot do? The laws, lol. Who made the laws? all laws are is 'something to be got around by smart lawyers' maybe that traveller lawyer chick will be better than the councils lawyers. The council could have saved all of this by giving them retrospective planning permission for the extra homes but they like the fight (tv celebs innit?) since the travelers were stopped traveling they've needed permanent bases, they don't have the luxury of 'council houses' or 'the family estate' because they've been traveling all their lives, it's not a life I would like but it used to be an option - not anymore, all the land was divided up centuries ago. blah blah blah slaves etc.

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£18 million? Can't you get a couple of decent flamethrowers for less than that?


As some one who lives a couple of miles down the road from Dale Farm, most of us here have come up with a much cheaper, greener and sadly less spectacular way of getting rid of them.


£2.00 a shot roll up roll up!


The thing that has annoyed me the most about this whole debacle is the fact that the 'Travellers' all along have been saying that it is their basic human right that Basildon Council look after them. It is their right to live on illegally constructed properties. It is their right to be schooled, fed and cleaned up after. Ermm my basic human right costs me a bloody fortune.


Load of bollocks.


£2.00 ago, third shot is free!

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the Mail.....Oh my mum came out with a corker today "Those gypsy travelers only live in the UK in the summer, in the winter they go back to millionaires row in Ireland" - yeah, like the tramps in London who beg at night and then sleep off their Super T, all day, in Knightsbridge flats. I don't think travelers are bad, they're just different. Ahhhh wouldn't I love to have the balls to sack all of this and pack myself off in a van on a magical mystery tour (yeah yeah start the kitty)

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the Mail.....Oh my mum came out with a corker today "Those gypsy travelers only live in the UK in the summer, in the winter they go back to millionaires row in Ireland" - yeah, like the tramps in London who beg at night and then sleep off their Super T, all day, in Knightsbridge flats. I don't think travelers are bad, they're just different. Ahhhh wouldn't I love to have the balls to sack all of this and pack myself off in a van on a magical mystery tour (yeah yeah start the kitty)


I agree, they are unlikely to go back to Ireland for the winter, who would pay the boat/plane fares for the numerous Slaves they are now known to keep?


Not bad, just different?......Pull the other one, it has lucky heather on it, and if you don't buy it, you will be Cursed. :D

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the Mail.....Oh my mum came out with a corker today "Those gypsy travelers only live in the UK in the summer, in the winter they go back to millionaires row in Ireland" - yeah, like the tramps in London who beg at night and then sleep off their Super T, all day, in Knightsbridge flats. I don't think travelers are bad, they're just different. Ahhhh wouldn't I love to have the balls to sack all of this and pack myself off in a van on a magical mystery tour (yeah yeah start the kitty)


They seem to want to re assert their right to travel wherever they want, and to stay in the same place for 10 years if they want. They should sort themselves out and decide what they want to do. They're probably still just filthy sponging gypo's at the end of the day though.

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They're really just people, I've met travelers at festivals, went to the odd free party they had back in the 90's. You people who dislike them, have you ever met some? Yers don't want to be taking too much notice of the TV and papers (said in me best Irish Gypsy voice lol)

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The Daily Mail

The voice of reason in a decaying society




Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


Do DM readers heads explode when they read a particularly good shock horror eastern european gay travellers gipsy dole scrounge sink estate drug dealing feral youth story?


Have I just composed the ultimate DM headline?

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Do DM readers heads explode when they read a particularly good shock horror eastern european gay travellers gipsy dole scrounge sink estate drug dealing feral youth story?


Have I just composed the ultimate DM headline?

No, the DM is the newspaper equivalent to a higher end Jeremy Kyle show. Pleasurable to watch the bottom feeders play.


And No, That headline has been used loads of times already.


Do keep up.

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