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Spontaneous Human Combustion


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'First Irish case' of death by spontaneous combustion


A man who burned to death in his home died as a result of spontaneous combustion, an Irish coroner has ruled.

It is believed to be the first case of its kind in Ireland.


Rather strange, poor old gent.


I thought all these cases, on proper scrutiny, turned out to have rational explanations such as dropping a cigarette, stray spark from a fire etc. Or do people really believe that he's been 'struck down by the devil' or something?

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I remember a Horizon, QED or Equinox program on it years and years ago.


They concluded it was a very slow process where someone's clothes, hair etc catches fire naturally usually from sparks from a fire, but where they are comatosed, the person dies quite quickly - smoke inhalation etc, but the fire then in certain special circumstances (down to how well the room is sealed restricting oxygen flow into the room) continues to smolder. It gets into the fat membrane which feeds the fire, but given its mositure content it remains a very slow burn.


The fire isn't large enough to spread but slowly consumes the person, leaving a horrible fatty deposit all over the room, but other than that very little fire damage, apart from the corpse which is found in various stages of incineration.


They did experiments using pig carcases!




So yes my understanding is that its perfectly natural, and not really spontaneous, rather slow acting, and in very special circumstances.

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'First Irish case' of death by spontaneous combustion


A man who burned to death in his home died as a result of spontaneous combustion, an Irish coroner has ruled.

It is believed to be the first case of its kind in Ireland.


Rather strange, poor old gent.


I thought all these cases, on proper scrutiny, turned out to have rational explanations such as dropping a cigarette, stray spark from a fire etc. Or do people really believe that he's been 'struck down by the devil' or something?


Visiting the 35,000 seat Roman ampitheatre at El Djem way out in the Tunisian desert forty years ago I was shown the very many alcoves around the interior walls where the Romans set fire to slaves in order to create night time illumination.


Apparently they had rather a large stock of Corinthian peoples spare at the time.


But any despised enemy would do.


The slaves would burn slowly in the manner of spontaneous combustion...or so it was said...


I was also told this was the origin of the "Roman Candle"...but I hae me doots....

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I remember a Horizon, QED or Equinox program on it years and years ago.


They concluded it was a very slow process where someone's clothes, hair etc catches fire naturally usually from sparks from a fire, but where they are comatosed, the person dies quite quickly - smoke inhalation etc, but the fire then in certain special circumstances (down to how well the room is sealed restricting oxygen flow into the room) continues to smolder. It gets into the fat membrane which feeds the fire, but given its mositure content it remains a very slow burn.


The fire isn't large enough to spread but slowly consumes the person, leaving a horrible fatty deposit all over the room, but other than that very little fire damage, apart from the corpse which is found in various stages of incineration.


They did experiments using pig carcases!




So yes my understanding is that its perfectly natural, and not really spontaneous, rather slow acting, and in very special circumstances.

I remember that too; after we were fed the possibility of spontaneous combustion, it came as quite a relief that it was pretty unlikely that any one of us would just explode into flame at the drop of a hat!

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