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The Wonderful World Of Tony Blair


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Did anyone watch Channel 4's Dispatches programme last night, The Wonderful World Of Tony Blair? Available here if you missed it.


I'd earlier in the news seen a soldier who had been massively injured, and his attempts to recover a little. This man, it was thought, was about to be thrown out of the army which would result in his medical care being transferred to the general treatment of the NHS, who seemed ill-equipped to cater for the injuries and the recovery treatments required by those damaged in war. This man was also about to have his financial settlement halved. His was not an isolated case by any means.


Then we watched The Wonderful World Of Tony Blair. What a wonderous world indeed. His world seems a place of great rewards, bucket loads of money, duplicity, hidden agendas, personal greed and messianic meddling.


It actually brought me to tears to see the cruel contrast between the wellbeing of the men he sent to an illegal war, and the luxury and pampering of the man who sent them there.


There are no words that can decently describe my absolute detestation of this apalling creature.


What did anyone else think?

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I agree that Blair is a disgusting, greedy twat, but some of the reporting what quite weaselly, and I can't believe it wasn't deliberately so. Just because Blair is a consultant for JP Morgan, he is not going to know every piece of middle eastern business that JP Morgan have their grubby little fingers in - it's jsut impossible.

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It actually brought me to tears to see the cruel contrast between the wellbeing of the men he sent to an illegal war, and the luxury and pampering of the man who sent them there.


The invasion of Iraq was voted on by the HoC. So how can it be illegal when the HoC voted on it? Because the HoC make the laws and stuff you know...


When you join the service you are well aware that the government of the day can put you in harms way. Hence the well used services saying "If you can't take a joke you shouldn't have joined!" Some will get killed but because of improved trauma procedures more and more survive terribly injured.


That's how it is. That's how it's always been. Just how thick are some folks?


It does make me smile how Blair is pilloried for making a few bob (if he can good luck to him) and yet ex-PM John Major (remember him being driven around Iraq in a Challenger MBT?) can quietly buy a new Westminster apartment for £3.5m out of the wedge he gets from the US Carlyle Group who are involved in - armaments.


Next hypocrite please just step right up to the plate....

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As yes John Major enjoying the summer by 'drinking warm beer and hearing the sounds of leather on willow.'


What an election winner that was from the man who ran away from the circus to become an accountant.


And him and Edwina going at it hammer and tongs - possibly one of the most disturbing images imaginable.


Blair promised a new dawn and a new way

And didn't do it

Granted they all try that tack but he was the master of deceit.

The whole country fell for it repeatedly


Saint Tony, the great deceiver.


The only others I can think of as a worse choice as a 'peace envoy' would be Hitler or Stalin.


That's the difference.


Presumably now that he's got his head out of Dubyas arse, he's realised he needs all that dosh to get her a facelift.

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Saint Tony, the great deceiver.


The only others I can think of as a worse choice as a 'peace envoy' would be Hitler or Stalin.


That's the difference.


Ah yes, the "great deceiver" no less.


In fact, Blair was sooo good at it he managed to doctor all of the evidence which completely deceived eminent judge Lord Hutton QC. Blair & co were completely exonerated by Hutton which left The Daily Wail nothing to do but insult Hutton's reputation by screaming "Whitewash" etc etc. In fact, they ended up sounding much as you do...



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Aye PK and your spin is textbook #new labour# you learnt your lesson well grass hopper, fucker should be rotting on the end of a rope in the hague, as for you absolute garbbage about hutton, well again pure#new labour#.

Have you forgotten to take your medication again pauld?

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Aye PK and your spin is textbook #new labour# you learnt your lesson well grass hopper, fucker should be rotting on the end of a rope in the hague, as for you absolute garbbage about hutton, well again pure#new labour#.

Have you forgotten to take your medication again pauld?














change your bait.

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Aye PK and your spin is textbook #new labour# you learnt your lesson well grass hopper, fucker should be rotting on the end of a rope in the hague, as for you absolute garbbage about hutton, well again pure#new labour#.

Have you forgotten to take your medication again pauld?














change your bait.

If you'd only remember to have your "fix" first thing then this wouldn't happen. Although your posts wouldn't be half as comical.

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Aye PK and your spin is textbook #new labour# you learnt your lesson well grass hopper, fucker should be rotting on the end of a rope in the hague, as for you absolute garbbage about hutton, well again pure#new labour#.


Firstly it wasn't me who exonerated them but Lord Hutton QC so go and insult him for it.


Secondly Hutton went strictly by the evidence - maybe you should try the same? Clue : the nonsense printed in The Daily Wail isn't "evidence" - strange but true. I suspect that's a very difficult one for you to grasp. But believe me for the sake of your own sanity you should at least try.

Happy to Help!


Thirdly "Care in the Community" obviously isn't working...



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It actually brought me to tears to see the cruel contrast between the wellbeing of the men he sent to an illegal war, and the luxury and pampering of the man who sent them there.


The invasion of Iraq was voted on by the HoC. So how can it be illegal when the HoC voted on it? Because the HoC make the laws and stuff you know...


When you join the service you are well aware that the government of the day can put you in harms way. Hence the well used services saying "If you can't take a joke you shouldn't have joined!" Some will get killed but because of improved trauma procedures more and more survive terribly injured.


That's how it is. That's how it's always been. Just how thick are some folks?


It does make me smile how Blair is pilloried for making a few bob (if he can good luck to him) and yet ex-PM John Major (remember him being driven around Iraq in a Challenger MBT?) can quietly buy a new Westminster apartment for £3.5m out of the wedge he gets from the US Carlyle Group who are involved in - armaments.


Next hypocrite please just step right up to the plate....

Why the insults, PK?

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The man is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with this world. He prostitutes himself to the true powers behind the scenes and promises to do whatever they ask of him in return for selling his soul and making a few bob in the process. To say nothing of causing the murder and destruction of millions of lives and raping and pillaging of other nations.

For every TB there are another two dozen lining up behind him to follow orders and walk on the world stage for the attention and adulation of the deluded masses. He's a filthy product of a grubby system that puts profit and power ahead of peace and prosperity. He should, and will, rot in hell.

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Tony Blair is a leech on society of the worst kind. His whole life in politics was a carefully managed roadshow with one goal... to promote himself as a 'filmstar' politician. He managed to fool most of the British public for quite a while & when he saw the cracks appearing he maneuvered in his old mate Gordon who was so desperate to lead he was blinkered by the fact that the country was in such a shite state, as he discovered to his cost. Even now GB is blamed for the UK economy cock up, I cannot believe Tony didn't rubber stamp every decision he made.

Then there's the war, unjustified and based on intel that was flimsy at best and fabricated at worse, coerced by GW. All those lives lost (including Dr Kelly), how he can pull the religious card every so often is beyond me, and to make him a middle east peace envoy is comically ironic if it wasn't so sick.

Then there is the financial aspect, how many billions did UK spend to contribute to their massive debt at TB's insistence?

Saddam was a convenient excuse to get the likes of Exxon in there to replenish the US dwindling oil supplies & then charge the Iraq'is for rebuilding what they destroyed, even then Tony was shafted by GW when they reduced the UK share of the spoils.

The man has no morals or conscience

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