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The Wonderful World Of Tony Blair


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There are quite a number of differences. They are not vast though. It is a difficult thing to comment on though when what they stand for and what they do are not the same.


Things are desperate over here and in the UK, but we haven't reached the appalling state of the USA yet. That almost is a One Party State.


The US is the Fourth Reich. National Socialism updated for a new century. You wouldn't catch me entering that shithole for love nor money. The American people have been caught asleep at the wheel for the past 50 years, and now it's hitting them square between the eyes they wonder why they didn't see it coming.... I think we're going to see social unrest there on a monumental scale when they wake up and realise their once proud nation has been hijacked by the Nazis.


Bloody hell. Pauld has some competition for king of the tin foil hat.

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The US is the Fourth Reich.


The Fourth Reich with a black leader. Now THAT's funny!


The Fourth Reich means Fourth Empire dipshit. No-one's saying it's the same ideology, just the same people behind it. Only a muppet would believe Obama/Mr Soetero is anything but a frontman puppet to appease the masses with his skin colour and manufactured name/background. When you're able to make an intelligent comment come back and we'll talk.....it may be a long wait.

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Same people? Who?


The same people who funded National Socialism in the 1930's from the US (Rockefeller, Bush, Harriman, etc..) still have their relatives in high positions in the US today, although their grip on that country has been strengthened since then. You try spending some time in the US now and you can see the similarities with Nazi Germany, you cannot go through an airport or even to an NFL game now without being groped and strip searched, all in the name of 'National Security', exactly as it was in the 1930's in Germany. Predictive programming and conditioning is underway right in front of peoples eyes there, aided and abetted by the social scientists and their bedmates the pharmaceutical companies, the Nazi leaders of which were welcomed into the US with open arms after WWII. Try doing some research on IG Farben, the sick bio/chemical organisation that was broken up in Germany in the 40's and see what it morphed into, and you'll find it's board of directors founded many of the US pharmaceutical giants we see today, with the help of people like Rockefeller. A lot of the prominent Nazi scientists also went on to form NASA and a whole host of other organisations to keep the system they had built going, with the help of US globalist $$$'s.

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I would like it to be put on Public Record that I was the first person to state that Lxxx is a complete lunatic.Ask him how his Gold and Silver investments are doing !!


Aaaah, he's back. Our very own Manx Albert Einstein reincarnate, such intellect.


Oh, I'm still up sonny jim, quite a bit actually. The recent smackdown of the prices gave me a great buying opportunity to get some more cheaply, was much appreciated. How's your pension getting on?

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I would like it to be put on Public Record that I was the first person to state that Lxxx is a complete lunatic.Ask him how his Gold and Silver investments are doing !!


Aaaah, he's back. Our very own Manx Albert Einstein reincarnate, such intellect.


Oh, I'm still up sonny jim, quite a bit actually. How's your pension getting on?

Oh dear..Don't have a pension but plenty of cash.Looking to buy a bunker and making sure that I always have three months food in.Not sure what I will do when the three months are up but hey I will have a Gold Ring and my Aunties Silver plates.Whether they will be any use after the apocalypse is another matter...

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The US is the Fourth Reich.


The Fourth Reich with a black leader. Now THAT's funny!


The Fourth Reich means Fourth Empire dipshit. No-one's saying it's the same ideology, just the same people behind it. Only a muppet would believe Obama/Mr Soetero is anything but a frontman puppet to appease the masses with his skin colour and manufactured name/background. When you're able to make an intelligent comment come back and we'll talk.....it may be a long wait.


You didn't mean it as a joke???!!!


Oh dear...

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I would like it to be put on Public Record that I was the first person to state that Lxxx is a complete lunatic.Ask him how his Gold and Silver investments are doing !!


Aaaah, he's back. Our very own Manx Albert Einstein reincarnate, such intellect.


Oh, I'm still up sonny jim, quite a bit actually. How's your pension getting on?

Oh dear..Don't have a pension but plenty of cash.Looking to buy a bunker and making sure that I always have three months food in.Not sure what I will do when the three months are up but hey I will have a Gold Ring and my Aunties Silver plates.Whether they will be any use after the apocalypse is another matter...


Good lad. I can see you were the brightest kid in your class at school.

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