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The private sector is cut throat and you have little rights if any, so i think the government workers are doing alright, atleast they don't worry about getting there p45 like some guys do every week from little hitlers.


I think it is time these guys got a pay increase after all they do keep the services running smooth.


I think this thread is about workers in the Finacial sectors, the building trade side of the private sector is very cut throat as you say. But how can we compare the wages of an 18 year old who has just left school and earning over £250 per week and all the perks in the finance sector to that of a tradesman in his forties working for the likes of the DOT taking home about the same money and having to keep a family

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The finance sector has done well for the Island but at the same time has caused a great devide between the population in the terms of comfort. Those that are at the bottom of the ladder so to speak are starting to fall off, and if the finance sector did decide to move the lower earners will suffer even more.

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