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New Pope


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1.1 billion of us have a new spiritual leader, welcome Pope Benedict.


He will have a difficult job, leading after someone whom I consider to have been a brillant and wonderful man. Massive Respect for Pope John Paul II. Rest In Peace x

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1.1 billion of us have a new spiritual leader, welcome Pope Benedict.


He will have a difficult job, leading after someone whom I consider to have been a brillant and wonderful man. Massive Respect for Pope John Paul II. Rest In Peace x


I am not a catholic but an agnostic. But I have the greatest of respect for the deceased Pope having learned recently of all he tried to do for peace attemting to end suffering in this world.


It is not surprising that the cardinals have chosen his best mate to carry on the good work.


But with the greatest respect to all those of the RC faith I think the new pope should show a greater understanding of the circumstances that surround divorce, homosexuality, and abortion.


Doctrine and rules written by men over a thousand years ago need to be modified for the modern world. And they were written by men and not a Christ.


If there is a God and he is to be followed then the source of inspiration should come from within the soul and not what men many years ago wrote in times when human rights were non-existant and the understanding of the message was misconstrued.


The new pope has one hell of a job to do.

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New York Post Article


April 17, 2005 --  A "fuhrer" furor is dogging the papal candidacy of Germany's top Roman Catholic cleric — over revelations he was a member of the Hitler Youth.


Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger — a favorite to become the next pontiff — joined the Nazi children's corps in 1941 as a 14-year-old and was later an anti-aircraft gunner.


At one point, he guarded a factory where slaves from a concentration camp were forced to work. He was later shipped to Hungary, where he reportedly saw Jews persecuted.


Ratzinger, a staunch conservative dubbed "God's Rottweiler," has said he joined the Hitler Youth when membership became compulsory. He and his brother were later drafted but deserted. The cardinal claims he never fired a shot and that resistance would have meant death.


Not so, Germans from his hometown of Traunstein told The Times of London.


"It was possible to resist, and those people set an example for others," recalled Elizabeth Lohner, 84. "The Ratzingers were young — and they had made a different choice."


So a staunchly conservative (gay bashing, anti abortionist) ex-nazi is now pope, that will suit GWB right down to the ground!


I fear for the future.


(edited for typo's)

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