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Yeah so just as I thought...completely unrelated and once again used a baseless groundings for IOM Government conspiracy charges.


I'm all for conspiracy theories...I mean i have trawled a load of sites regarding the new world order conspiracy over the World Trade Centre attacks but some of the crap flying around about the IOM Govt really just defies belief. Its almost as if any bad thing that happens to the Island is blamed on some sort of government/manson kwango undertaking. Please start to realise that we dont live in a vacuum; the Island is subject to market forces as much as the everyone else. Also take a moment to think what real benefit the DTI Minister would have in encouraging business to move from the Island! Strix is a private company trying to maximise its profits for its shareholders. Case closed.

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Steady now, we'll have none of that sort of reasoned thought on here.


I guess some people just aren't happy unless they're metaphorically huddled in the corner of some dank pub, adding their own fevered paranoia into the collective groups conspiracy theory. Rather than actually go out there and DO something about it, these plastic politicians are more content to concentrate attributing blame instead of finding ways to fix it.


These people are often insular, usually residents on the Island for the majority of their adult life and have no appreciation of the relative size of the Island in comparison to world events. Sure, things that happen over here might cause a ripple in our pond, but in the worldwide ocean, they're nothing more than a tiny air bubble that escapes from the corner of a leaky scuba diving mask of a lone swimmer 50 metres below the surface off some remote beach in Antigua.


Some people aren't happy unless they're complaining and blaming and making things up.


And with that, I'm being shouted out to get my arse out the door to the pub. :)

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"Strix is a private company trying to maximise its profits for its shareholders. Case closed."


No it aint!


How much of Manx Tax payers money has Strix received to help them set up only to then make Manx residents redundant by exporting jobs to China where the workers live in fear of an oppressive regime?


Your mate is down the pub Mission but where do you stand on the moral question?

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Well his visit to China was a bad move when he knew the company was in trouble.


Rather than allow all this to happen he should have called back the grants and used that money to re-train the workers.


I know just like anyone that market forces in the real world are hard on British and Manx Jobs. I also know it is difficult for Government to control it.


But aiding it by visits to countries where human rights are a total disgrace, in the knowledge that a firm that has received a lot of Manx Tax payers money may well shift its operations there, is totally unforgivable.


But what else can one accept from a freemason, former poacher turned game keeper, and former chimney sweep.


Edited to add...We still await what economic benefits the manx people have gained from Pope Alex' visit to China. Even some good members of the keys are asking that and have received no constructive replies. They will never know now he has crawled up the ladder and sits in the LEGCO. Put there by his masonic chums.

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They can't just take grants back unless Strix did something against the terms of the grant (I'm taking your word for it that there were grants), and even then the money is probably already spent. It would be a lengthy legal process to get any of it back.


And other than that, how would him not going to China have made any difference? Strix was buggered whether or not he set foot on Chinese soil.

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I guess some people just aren't happy unless they're metaphorically huddled in the corner of some dank pub, adding their own fevered paranoia into the collective groups conspiracy theory. Rather than actually go out there and DO something about it, these plastic politicians are more content to concentrate  attributing blame instead of finding ways to fix it.

Says the man who alleges that he has no interest whatsoever in politics.


Vader, please pm me with what you know. That way I can make my own mind up. Thanks.


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Edited to add...We still await what economic benefits the manx people have gained from Pope Alex' visit to China. Even some good members of the keys are asking that and have received no constructive replies. They will never know now he has crawled up the ladder and sits in the LEGCO. Put there by his masonic chums.


Shipping? IOM Commercial Ship's register?

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The last election to LegCo, what a pisstake, If Delaney had the same rights as Downie he would be back in LegCO. Delaney pulled twelve votes and needed thirteen, he could not vote for himself as he was a member of LegCo and cant vote. Downie as a member of the Keys can vote and for himself, he got in on thirteen votes,


Downie should be on good form in the Morning, He and most of the staff from DTI are on the xxxx up in Onchan park

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"Vader, please pm me with what you know. That way I can make my own mind up. Thanks."


PK, the information you require was posted on Manx Chat a few weeks before some vindictive members of this site whinged to MSN to have it closed down.


And they know who they are because some of them are the ones that joke about it.


As a result such immaturity played right into the hands of Ned and his replacement. I trust they are pleased with themselves.


The sad thing is that despite its faults Manx Chat like Manxman Black Pages was a satirical alternative to the establishment bull that we hear on the radio and read in the press. But it was shut down by a troll/s for the wrong reasons.


Even MSN has admitted their regret at their action.


As a result the Isle of Man has NO internet site where folk can express themselves in safety. We have to accept that even this good site is not a safe place. And no disrespect to the admin team is meant.


If you e-mail me (PM) I will send you the information you require which the press already has, but not chosen to use.


There is an almighty cover up going on.

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