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Rent A Flat June/july


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Hello, I'm a student from Poland, interested in spending my summer holidays on the Island, but totally unexperienced considering things like finding acommodation, which worries me the most... So any tips or even offers would be priceless. (Tips like "what's a typical price for a self-catering acommodation") would be really welcome.

Ahhh..... and please excuse me if i made any stupid mistakes while writing this post... English is my second language, but I still feel more comfortable with my first one :)

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Heheehehhehe sense of humour is similar everywhere, I see... again, a kind request for any more tips and pieces of adviece considering... well, all You can think of. Like... what's the smoking oplicy on the Isle? 'Cause in Poland, one can smoke literaly everywhere, but I've heard that I may have problems with that on IOM. Plus the typical, average prices of.... evertything interst me. Write about everything You think I'll find useful - It gives me great pleasure to get to know about anything new about the Isle.

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, I felt really nicely surprised by your connotations with Poles you know :D

I should eventualy excuse my english, but... heh... I won't. I'll get better after spending some time on the Isle :D

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Most bars and pubs you can smoke in, restaurants and cafes tend to have smoking areas. It's not like Dublin where there is a smoking ban in place in any public place. Shops are non-smoking obviously.


In terms of prices,


Lager - £2.20 a pint average

Guinness - £2.50 a pint average

Bread - £1.00 per loaf average

Milk - 50 pence per pint

Spirits - £2.00 per shot average

Rent - £400 per month for a bedsit £500 per month for 1 bedroom flat

Petrol - 92p a litre

Cigarettes - £5.00 per packet (20)

Meal in a typical pub - £5.00 to £10.00 per person

Meal in a typical restaurant 3 courses - £25-40 per head

Wine in the supermarket - £3.00 to £10.00


If there is anything specific let us know and someone should give you advice.


Hope you have a nice time in the Isle of Man, there is a reasonably sized Polish community on the Island. I know quite a few Poles who work for a large shipping company on the Island.

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I'll be heading back to the IoM in July if you need a lift!


Nah..... sounds waaaaaay too perfect to be true, o mysterious figure. You remind me of my English teacher from Warsaw, who keeps on making fun of me whenever i put my guard down :P




Shill => thanks so much, that's exactly what i meant to know.

And another question, if i may:

- Are there any rock - kind - of pubs on the Isle? Many of them? Good ones, ones to stay away from ;) ? Since I'm a pub kinda guy, whrer do You think I should go first to get a hold of what nightlife means on the Isle of Man?


Again, I ask for any tips and pieces of advice You can think of... they're all welcome and impatiently awaited :)

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Well, my examination session will probably end in the midle of June, so I may be forced to prolong my departure untill the 1st of July....... Then a flight to Liverpool and a sea trip from Liverpool to Douglas..... Or possibly a trip with Polskimann if it works out :D , so I'll miss the TT for sure :(

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  • 2 months later...

Just got an email from Zabadeus, saying that he has found a flat in Mona Drive, and is looking for work of any kind.


Since he is a Polish student, I understand that he doesn't need a work permit, but quite a few folks have been telling him that he does. I believe that legislation comes into effect next summer.


Any advice/ideas. He seems to be getting desperate :(

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He definitely needs a work permit though as an EU citizen he does not need a visa.


The only students who don't need a work permit are those who are studying here, i.e mainly at the International hotel management school.


Sorry about that, hope he finds a job as long as it does not take one off an Isle of Man worker as that's what the work permits are for..... ;)


Digressing very slightly here, but only because there is a personal link, my best friends son is at University in Sheffield and like most UK students studying in the UK is very skint. In September he starts his last year at Uni with current loans of over 9 grand plus a big overdraft to boot. Up till this year he has always found work in the summer in his local factory doing the night shift or in local pubs or anything else that is available. This year he has not been able to find any work yet for the summer as all the available temporary jobs have been taken up by people from the newest 10 members of the EU.


My friend is getting desperate as well as her son because she is on a low income and he usually pays his way during the summer but he can't find a job and can't sign on for job seekers allowance either (even though he is seeking one!).


I don't know what to think nowadays. I'm not racist or xenophobic (yeah right, some of you will try to claim) and wouldn't fault anyone for wanting better economic conditions for themselves but I'm now seeing friends affected by said economic migration and really feel for them as they are now badly off because of the EU & UK government policies on open borders. I don't want the doors shutting but now wonder whether there should be some better economic protection for members of our own country first.

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