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Questions, Questions, Questions....


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There has, undoubtedly, been incompetence and a basic lack of knowledge on certain subjects.


In terms of some of the Capital projects that Billy refers to, I think they have just tried to do too much in such a short space of time when the money is plentiful.


This has invariably led to mistakes which should not be overlooked, but lessons learned.


However, just to clarify one point. The Summerland demolition has been been phased into different parts, not because of money, but because of access to the building.


The first part was to strip the building and remove all asbestos related materials. This I believe has (or is nearly) completed. The actual demolition involves some rather large metal and stone 'eating' machines which cannot be used when the MER is running, as they cannot get to the building.


So when the MER 'season' is over (October I believe) they are removing the pylons and overhead wires to allow the full demolition of the site.

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If someone verbally gives you a fact then you hear it. According to Slim as you have heard it then it's now hearsay with all the rumour/gossip implications. Nice head-in-the-sand tactic that one.


A resident on the IOM agrees with Rog's "banana republic" statement. I suppose Slim won't agree with it until he has heard it from how many sources I wonder?


I think corruption is rife. That's why I'm not coming back. It's not just the arrest of the Chief Minister but it's the way the judicial system crushed Roly at the behest of money, the way the Mount Murray report can severly censure a minister who then stays on and everyone behaves as though nothing has happened, the deafening silence of the bugging episode, the way the MEA draft report is circulated amongst government with someone making the rediculous statement that it is so they can check the facts rather than giving them the opportunity to cover their tracks. If they are all so squeaky clean why isn't all of it in the public domain?


I lived on the IOM before this rag-tag of pharmacists and tractor salesmen were anywhere near power and I can assure you the quality of life was excellent, better than it is now. So I can assure you it's not because I live off-island that I have formed this view but rather because I know the quality of life continues to be good despite them.


Insular and insulated leads to tunnel vision and "I'm all right Jack". It's because of this attitude that they think they can always get away with it. It is said you get the government you deserve - from what I've seen on here that's absolutely right. Enjoy....


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It is said you get the government you deserve - from what I've seen on here that's absolutely right. Enjoy....


Thanks we will.


Oh by the way "I'm alright Jack" thanks for asking. Is everyone else alright?

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Insular and insulated leads to tunnel vision and "I'm all right Jack". It's because of this attitude that they think they can always get away with it. It is said you get the government you deserve - from what I've seen on here that's absolutely right. Enjoy....


Point of order sir (tongue in cheek), because we all elect individuals to the House of keys we have no say in who they elect to be the Chief Minister who then chooses his/her Ministers and collectively formulate a policy. Which is then approved by Tynwald which has one third of the membership appointed by grace and (sucking) favour.


The end result is that the Isle of Man is Governed undemocratically.


The only cure for this is for the people to form political parties and have proper manifestos rather than Jack the lad electioneering with the promise that he will do his best to stop Mrs Jones' dog crapping on the village green.


Ha ha ha :D

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I'm curious. If someone doesn't live on the Island now, how can they be sure that the quality of life on the Island in any better / worse than it was?


Also by repeating the same old rhetoric day in day out (and BTW sounding increasinlgy bitter and some would say almost falling over themselves to ensure our demise) do you think that it makes it any more substantive?


I'm sure someone must know.


Honestly, we have been hearing / reading / falling asleep to, those who denounce the Island from distant shores for decades. Those who predict the imminent collapse of certain sectors of the Economy. Those who said, wait till Britain joins the EU, wait till Britain brings in the OECD, just wait until Labour get in, they'll shut you down.............


And now we have (apparently) the highly regarded UK press about to unleash a torrent of tales of corruption and wrong doing on the Isle of Man. If you really believe that they are about to start a crusade to overthrow the Manx Government, then it is you who needs a reality check and to 'wake up and smell the coffee'.


I'm not doubting there will be a story. But like all the others, the interest will wain as quick as the ink dries on the page.


And then, maybe they will take a look at the state of the UK and decide to fight battles in their own country with their own Government. Iraq, WMD, Dr Kelly, relationship with Bush Jnr, the UK's horrendous violent crime stats, Rover, to name but a few. If I could be bothered to research I'm sure I could find links to rumours of wrongdoing.


But frankly I can't be arsed and why should I, it ain't my country.

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But frankly I can't be arsed and why should I, it ain't my country.


I can be arsed because it is my country.


And everyone else should be too, who have connections or interest in the Isle of Man.


To just do nothing like the majority, allows the minority to rule for their own good and not in the interests of the majority.


And ordinary folk like me should continually shout and rant for if nothing else it makes the evil dooers keep looking over their shoulders.


And by Christ there are some bad ones in power today.

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Point of order sir (tongue in cheek), because we all elect individuals to the House of keys we have no say in who they elect to be the Chief Minister who then chooses his/her Ministers and collectively formulate a policy. Which is then approved by Tynwald which has one third of the membership appointed by grace and (sucking) favour.


The end result is that the Isle of Man is Governed undemocratically.

So, in a very brief comparison, let's take the UK system. I don't profess to be an expert in UK politice so I stand to be flamed by those who know everything apparently.


MP's are democratically elected at local level in their consituency. If a certain party reaches a required number of seats then they are declared as the governing party. The electorate do not independently elect the Prime Minister do they. Although the leader of the party is elected to that office and is normally known prior to the election, there would be nothing to stop a party winning and then ousting the leader and nominating another one.


The Prime Minister elects his own Cabinet who then formulate policy, it is not elected by the populus of the Country.


The majority of recent Governments have been formed by parties which have polled less than 50% of the vote IIRC.


Laws, Bills and other matters have to be cleared by the Lords prior to passing into the statute. Remind me, when exactly do the UK voters select this bunch of peeps?


In short, every political system has it's flaws. But the IOM and UK models are not that far apart. In fairness though, they probably copied ours in the first place. :P

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I am Manx and have now retired from salaried employment


Consequently I am now in the fortunate position whereby I am able to comment and am fire-proof. I don’t have to watch my back, or worry about my job, or where I will work if I loose my job unlike so many on the island today.


I am therefore in a position where , unlike so many on the Island, I can speak (write) my mind.


I can see what is so wrong with the Masonic Mafia and their hangers-on that run the Island and am able to highlight the problems and the corruption that is endemic on ten Island.


Call me a fool if you wish, or even a don Quixote tilting at windmills, but in the end Don Quixote is remembered and ten windmills are seen as what they were.


It’s a cliché, but nine the less true that it IS better to light even a single candle than rail against the dark,

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The Prime Minister elects his own Cabinet who then formulate policy, it is not elected by the populus of the Country.


The Prime Minister is appointed by the Queen as he/she represents the majority political party elected to the Commons. The Prime Minister chooses his cabinet yes, but the policies of the party are the policies that the people voted for and the PM has to carry them out.


In the absence of proper parties the Manx do not have that choice. That is the fundimental difference.


The House of Lords can only reject bills three times sent up by the House of Commons whereas the LEGCO can actually block orders in the first instance in Tynwald as they have equal power as the Keys. Unless both houses agree, a motion falls. As LEGCO is not elected by the people but just appointed by the Keys this is another fundimental flaw in the true sense of democracy.


It is not democracy, by the people, for the people, or of the people.


But patronage grace and favour and of course parish pump politics.

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