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Government Lies Again


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In Tynwald last week the Treasury Minister Mr Bell said that the report into the MEA scandal had not been done, LIES the report was handed to Goverment last tuesday and it highly criticises the workings of the Treasury and its Minister.

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Manx Radio says that the firm drawing up the report announced it had been delayed -


The firm carrying out financial checks into the Manx Electricity Authority has delayed handing in the report.


PKF in London says it won't now be in Ministers hands before the first week in May.


The news was given to a gathering on CoMIN members.


Could your source be wrong Crumlin?

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My understanding is that he technically did not lie as although it may have been in the building he hadnt seen it. I am aware that Crumlins source may have a few axes to bury at the moment so I would be a little careful about the slant on the information that appears.

I was told however by somebody reasonably close to the whole MEA saga that Mr Bell was aware of the additional borrowing at the time.

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Declan you asked Crumlin the following question;


Could your source be wrong Crumlin?


Don't expect any firm evidence or even a reply from Crumlin, just have a look at all Crumlins other "let's stir the pot" posts!!!


Last Ten


Edited due to typo...

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Great Independant report isnt it Declan. Lets see, "we better send the IOM Government the draft first so they can make some alterations"


The credibility of this report has gone out the window once a draft was sent to the Government. Not a conspiracy theory but fact.


Also another fact Declan the draft was not shown to a memberof the select commitee set up to look into the affairs of the MEA and their massive borrowings.

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The third paragraph is the only one of concern to be honest. It should have been shown to that person.


As to the rest I don't see any probelm showing the Govt the draft. Imagine if they hadn't seen it first and there was a factual inaccuracy Bell would use that to rubbish the entire report.


This way the Government can't hide behind technicalities and sidestep the findings - because the opportunity to correct failacies had been presented to them.


Or are you suggesting that PKF would alter their findings to keep the Govt sweet. Surely, if they are that weak what was to stop them writing a whitewash to start with?

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Bell was asked in Tynwald, had a report, draft of full be delivered to the Government, he said he was not aware of any report being made.


The ministers have read the draft and did not like what they read so have sent it back to be softened up. A question was asked about the £10 million spent on a report into wind farms, and why this report is now not available to the MEA

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Drafts of the report have been submitted to the MEA and the COMIN to establish factual correctness.


I think Bell may be twisting and turning, and I fear that as he has more power than the MEA Chairman, the report may be edited before it is made public.


I hope I am wrong. But Bell has been censored for misleading Tynwald over the Mount Murray fiasco. Who is to say he has not changed his ways? And Tynwald and the electorate be misled again.


If it had have been the UK House of Commons then Bell would have been slung out of the cabinet long ago and just be a back bencher.


Chief Minister Gelling was elected to be the CM purely to keep a lid on things because the majority of them in Tynwald are damned incompetant or just crooked.


And before I am accused again by the mods of being a broken record, we should remember that if it was not for the moaners in a minority, then the majority would forget, and play right into the hands of the unscrupulous people in control of the Isle of Man. Which would sign the death warrant of the quest for open and truthful Government that a few seek for the benefit of the many.

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So what?


I'd have thought it normal for the Govt to see the draft first.


The report isn't due to be released until the start of May and it hasn't. Big conspiracy!

Sorry Declan the DRAFT has and that has not be diluted by the Politicians


Thats like telling the criminal suspect the evidence before being quetioned, B)

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The more I read about our Governmental dealings the more depressed it makes me feel.


It certainly seems to be a sad state of affairs to me.

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