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Government Lies Again


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That's right Slim - I don't expect perfection at all. What does get me down is when I dwell for any length of time on the possibility that some individuals are only in it to further their lot in life rather than to fulfill a public service and then I get to thinking that the island is doing well in spite of these people rather than because of them and that is depressing and unsettling.

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Again, these aren't problems limited to the Island. Someone said (was it Wilde?) that anyone who wants to be a politician is therefore unsuitable.


Very few people do things for the greater good, politicians especially. The theory is though that a room full of people acting in their own interests will manage represent the public interest. It doesn't always work out, and our rather old system doesn't facilitate this too well, but it's not all bad. It's not like we're living under a single dictator or anything.

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The theory is though that a room full of people acting in their own interests will manage represent the public interest.


I've never heard that before - it's a good theory on the face of it.

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What really p**ses me off is when those you want to believe may not be lying, but are being very ecconomical with the truth. They carry on in public without a care for what others are seeing and hearing, not caring that other peoples lives can be affected by their actions.


We are supposed to look up to these people and respect them, but how can we when we are being made to feel as if we are being urinated on from a great height?

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But thats what they do, they're politicians. They have to balance their job of running the country with being popular and accountable to retain the next vote. With that balancing in act in mind, they have to be economical with the truth, especially if they've messed up.

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Problem with the Isle of Man is a lot of people are too fond of the skeet...Governments the world over are involved in behind the scenes dealings, cover ups and the like. Its the way the world works and for the most part it keeps us all ticking along.


We seem to feel the need to know every little detail of everyone's personal life whether public figure or otherwise. The Island is a wonderful place to live as a lot of people have mentioned above. If you really think that we have it that bad then you are free to live elsewhere and see whether you would be that much better off!

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I hate gossip actually, it's invariably damaging in some way - my problem is I am too idealistic and expect people to be fundamentally honest, as I am.

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More lies on the radio when it stated that Treasury had not seen the draft report. Mr Bell definitely has and isnt he the Treasury Minister. (source Mr Delaney)


Stu Peters final comment on lunch times Mandate was classic. "Wouldnt it be very interesting to see the Draft and Finalised Report on the MEA side by side"

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Stu Peters final comment on lunch times Mandate was classic. "Wouldnt it be very interesting to see the Draft and Finalised Report on the MEA side by side"


Nah becuase then might actually get to see that there is very little alteration and all this speculation has been for nothing. Where's the fun in that!

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Well wouldnt it be good then for our Government for once to be totally transparent and carry out Stu Peters wishes.

No. Because, then any factual errors may well cause the whole report to be the subject of political derision.


That's the whole point of circulating a 'Draft'. I don't know what is so hard to understand.


I believe that when this report comes out in the final version, you will see that it will remain scathing of certain aspects of the governance of the MEA finances. AN internatioanlly renowned company of independent auditors are'nt going to risk their future reputation by watering down the outcome of the report.


Even though it suits the whinges of the conspiracy theorists.

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they have to be economical with the truth

Sometimes all it takes is the courage to admit that something is wrong, the alternative possibly fuels the uncertainty and questioning.


Sometimes, not knowing is less helpful than knowing. We all find ourselves in a situation out of our control. Should we try to ignore it and hope it goes away or be open and try and deal with it before it spirals more out of control?


I know that there is a fine line in what we 'need' to know as opposed to 'want' to know and there is often a need to keep things wrapped up. At some point, the questions will start and we have to hope that when they do that the fan isn't going to be hit by the proverbial s**t.

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