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West Douglas Mhk?

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Dominic Delaney former MLC

Richie McNichol Mayor of Douglas, electrician in MEA.

David Holmes, business man. Insurance

Barrie Stevens business man, Cleaning firm,campaigner for human rights.


I think it is a contest between Dom and Richie.


Also Geoff Cannell former MHK and former Manx Radio News Editor is considering standing.

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Thanks Darth


I agree with you over Dom, the only trouble with McNichol is that he will be dictated as to what to do by his little B** Chums in Douglas Borough Council, which is the worst run amenity provider (not sure what the collective term is) in the Isle of Man.


Cannel is obviously playing a game with us, by playing his cards very close to his chest, well Mr Cannel thanks for that, a very good ploy for Pi***ng everone off before you start!


The guy called Barry seems a very sensible guy, and evertime I have heard him on the Mannin Line he sounds as if he knows what he is talking about, albeit on the subject of human rights.


The other guy, Mr. Holmes must be looking for a different job, before the Insurance sector hit's hard times!





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"The other guy, Mr. Holmes must be looking for a different job, before the Insurance sector hit's hard times!"


I hope it does not, but I honestly feel we have too many fat cat finance sector supporters in Tynwald without adding more.


The voice of the majority of people who are hard working class or pensioners seems to be increasingly faint save for the likes of Peter Karran, Brenda Cannell and a couple more.


Bill Henderson MHK has certainly sold his soul to the devil now he has joined the conclave of Mighty Jabber the Hut. For a few dollars more.

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