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Xbox Chipping


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I'm going back to Uni in September, and rather than take a separate DVD player with me, I'll be using the Xbox. Thing is, loads of my titles are R1, and for this reason and others, I want to get the Xbox chipped to do all the usual gubbins (eg 'backups', all region DVDs without the need for the official remote + eye, emulation, ability to switch chip off for Xbox live etc etc).


Does anyone around here offer the service, or know of anyone who does, and how much am I looking at?


Give me a yell at tom_quayle@hotmail.com or ring 439104.

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Best thing about a chipped xbox is that it'll play divx/xvid. So you can stuff a single writable dvd with five or so full length movies in divx.


Not that I'd actually do that of course, because my xbox definately isn't modded. In fact I don't even have an xbox! I'm just saying what's possible!

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Dev does it for £50. I do PS2s
The UK High Court has judged that the sale, advertisement, possession for commercial purposes and use of PlayStation 2 modification chips is illegal in this country




Whats the number for CrimeStoppers? :rolleyes:

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oh well ill still continue my "illegal" activities.


Why have you put it in quotes? Are you implying that it's not illegal?


I'd be very careful about advertising your service on a public forum from now on. Plus I would imagine its about to become a whole lot more difficult for you to source chips from the UK now, leaving you at the mercy of far East traders.

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dunno why i put it in quotes just felt good at the time. :D I havent really been advertising just when people ask i offer. yer i had actually noticed a lot of the chips have become discontinued (possibly shutdown) dunno, oh well.Its all good ey

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