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They have to let them default. If not, it'll only put the inevitable back to next month, or the month after that. I've read a lot about what will happen with a Greek default, and in summary, no-one knows. It's got to be allowed to happen so we'll all find out.


IMHO - Greeks will return to their own currency, and life for most of them will continue on as normal. Life for the rest of us will be unaffected, except I imagine there'll be a few rumblings in the equity/currency/bond markets, but in reality, who cares?

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Greek banks to be closed all this week.


This is the result of a series of idiotic governments, nothing else. Look at how Portugal, Spain and especially Ireland have coped.

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Greek banks to be closed all this week.


This is the result of a series of idiotic governments, nothing else. Look at how Portugal, Spain and especially Ireland have coped.


Not just the idiotic government alone, it was only recently elected into office by a dishonest and indolent electorate so it's the majority of the population as well. PIS accepted that they would have to take on some unpleasant changes and thus far have done so.


The Greeks decided they wanted their cake and someone else to pay for it, and thought that they could blackmail the EU, the IMF, and the Eurobank. They even tried to introduce a demand for Germany to pay reparations for what took place in WW2 in spite of that being a closed and resolved issue many years ago.

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Ireland coped, yes. Not so sure about Spain an Portugal though. After Greece we might be hearing a lot more about them.



The finance ministers of Spain and Portugal have been on the radio recently - there's a vast difference between their finances and those of Greece. Both have sufficient reserves to weather any storm.


Stupid Greeks, they've done this sort of thing many times before and will no doubt have another go in the future.

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They should be kicked out of the Euro this week. The damage to, and the uncertainty over the currency shouldn't be allowed to continue.


They should never have been allowed in, as they didn't meet the original required economic criteria in the first instance.

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Granted the whole model of Greece is fucked up. Roughly one million people are either employed by the Greek government or are in receipt of a public sector pension compared to a total working population of 3.8m workers. Completely unsustainable. Ring any bells?

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