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I've never quite understood how on earth they thought this EU guff would work in the first place. The Germans have a strong work ethic as do many of the northern european countries (Britain excepted) but the further south one goes the more this work ethic diminishes.


And Turkey? Pfft.


Apart from the stupid Greeks with a history of being stupid, the EU and Eurozone is working very nicely.


Is it hell. What aspect of it do you see as working very nicely? The whole thing is an undemocratic, unworkable, incohesive, bureaucratic, pointless unmitigated disaster. I'll give the euro another 10 years at the very most and as for the EU, they'll be lucky if they manage to disentangle it without causing a war. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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What else do you expect from The Greater French Empire designed specifically to support dreadfully uneconomic French farming?

Mind you, their scoff seems to taste better than ours....


However the EU has to have 12 sessions a year in Strasbourg. So every now and then the whole circus heads South. What a farce and a monument to the arrogance of De Gualle.

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Good. The lying cheating Greeks should never have been allowed to join the Eurozone. I hope that Greece is kicked out of the Eurozone and Greece reverts to the peasant economy and country that it was.


Best of all would be for the UK to bail out of the EU, and the PIGS countries to be kicked out of the EU.

100% correct.


The eurozone doesn't work. It's just an excuse for shit/poor economies to be propped up with support from developed and prospoerous economies.

The sooner Greece are out the better. Fully agree about the UK. It's a one way relationship and it needs addressing.

And the Greek people were not moaning when they had the (false) good times.

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I've never quite understood how on earth they thought this EU guff would work in the first place. The Germans have a strong work ethic as do many of the northern european countries (Britain excepted) but the further south one goes the more this work ethic diminishes.


And Turkey? Pfft.


Apart from the stupid Greeks with a history of being stupid, the EU and Eurozone is working very nicely.


Is it hell. What aspect of it do you see as working very nicely? The whole thing is an undemocratic, unworkable, incohesive, bureaucratic, pointless unmitigated disaster. I'll give the euro another 10 years at the very most and as for the EU, they'll be lucky if they manage to disentangle it without causing a war. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


The Eurozone can never work. You cannot have monetary union without fiscal union and that is impossible given the constituents that make up the Eurozone.

It was destined to fail from the outset as they let in more and more shit economies.

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It was never going to work if all the debts weren't consolidated. Everyone came into it converting their separate debt to euros, the euro was always going to rise once things progressed, therefore increasing the debts to an unpayable level.


The EU thought they could bully everyone into austerity as they planned on democracy being a thing of the past. Greece having the nerve to actually propose a referendum has thrown them into a tailspin, this wasn't in the plan. A United States of Europe was supposed to ride over national sovereignty. As much as I disapprove of the way Greece has turned into a socialist nightmare the fact they are using democracy against bureaucracy needs to applauded.

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There's no escaping the rock, is there? This is at Syntagma Square in the center of Athens, where all the big protests were held you saw on telly. Literally right next to it is this little cafe / bar. Huge IOM fans and super nice guys. Strangely enough, the crisis is good for them, bringing in loads of customers from the packed square. In general it's strangely quiet here, though. Like no panic atmosphere or anything....yet.





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Any truth in the matter?


Whilst in Greece recently, I thought it was just one of those conspiracy rumours (and may well be), but I heard that the Greeks disliked paying tax so much (who doesn't) that numerous 1000's and 1000's of acres of olive groves was not known of and it was only till the Greek Government asked Google to show Greece on a map, that they found out about the huge mass of olive groves about the size of the UK which was unknown of and that they hadn't taxed.


I don't personally know if its true or not, but does anyone know if this was or wasn't true?

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There's no escaping the rock, is there? This is at Syntagma Square in the center of Athens, where all the big protests were held you saw on telly. Literally right next to it is this little cafe / bar. Huge IOM fans and super nice guys. Strangely enough, the crisis is good for them, bringing in loads of customers from the packed square. In general it's strangely quiet here, though. Like no panic atmosphere or anything....yet.





nice one....probably a wise move to claim you are manx rather than german right now

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As much as I disapprove of the way Greece has turned into a socialist nightmare the fact they are using democracy against bureaucracy needs to applauded.

Very true, but it is telling that they are only using it because they are between a rock and a hard place and have absolutely nowhere else to run. And I STILL think it'll all be cobbled together yet again and kicked down the road. Unless the Greeks return a resounding no in the vote.

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