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Any truth in the matter?


Whilst in Greece recently, I thought it was just one of those conspiracy rumours (and may well be), but I heard that the Greeks disliked paying tax so much (who doesn't) that numerous 1000's and 1000's of acres of olive groves was not known of and it was only till the Greek Government asked Google to show Greece on a map, that they found out about the huge mass of olive groves about the size of the UK which was unknown of and that they hadn't taxed.


I don't personally know if its true or not, but does anyone know if this was or wasn't true?

Not paying tax is a national past-time in Greece. It's either not declared or dubious accounting methods and use of Cyprus companies are used to mitigate the liability. You would think that our friends Mr. Murphy & Tax Justice Network would have a field day but instead he's wondering why IMF are refusing to allow Greece to increase tax rates on businesses. Thge whole thing is screwed up and IMHO the Greeks only have themselves to blame.

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So, I'm being an armchair retard here, but as far as I can see there are two options now:


Eurozone bails them out again. Greece stays on Euro. Can gets pushed down the road with promises they'll change but nothing will, and they'll be in the same circumstance in a couple of years.


Greece leaves Euro currency and goes back to Drachma. Drachma devalues as they try to pay off their debt with their new currency. Printing more money devalues it even more etc etc. In ten years, Greece maybe reaches wealth level of now but has a solid base to work from.


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the greeks have been screwed by Kraut/frog bankers,the people to blame are the fucking eurocrats who let them in,THEY SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN ALLOWED INTO THE EUROZONE.



Well, no, that misses quite a few things out which are the Greeks fault. But still a useful link for the "meh, it's a tiny country in terms on economy" bit.


I think it's more a case of sensationalised, but it's still interesting. I'll probably have forgotten about it by this time next year.

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the greeks have been screwed by Kraut/frog bankers,the people to blame are the fucking eurocrats who let them in,THEY SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN ALLOWED INTO THE EUROZONE.



If the Greek government had not lied through their teeth they would not have been granted accession.


It's not the fault of anyone but the Greeks.

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According to the Telegraph: Tsipras capitulates to creditors saying he is prepared to accept all bailout conditions

He probably had a visit from a couple of guys in dark suits who advised him that planes are a little unreliable these days and it might be in his best interests to not book any foreign travel anytime soon. If he maintains his stance.

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But he's still telling the Greeks to vote no as he says it will strengthen his hand in negotiations.ermm.gif


There won't be any negotiations. Me thinks there will be some form of 'regime change' in Greece soon. The Euro is like the Hotel California, you can check in but you can never leave I'm afraid.

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