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My view is that Seriza has been a disaster for Greece. They've alienated allies and isolated Greece with their totally unrealistic demands which simply defy economic logic. A more knowledgeable negotiator with a more sensible set of proposals could have moved the negotiations far more fruitfully than the grandstanding Tsiprav has engaged in.


His pushing of such ideological and infeasible positions, and rhetoric slandering countries which have already given his country billions of euros and are willing to lend billions more as Nazis, has destroyed trust and made the whole process far harder. The result is the shuttered banks and divided country we see today.


He casts this as some sort of victory; such is his hubris.


The current bail out isn't ideal and a cannier Greek side should have been able to bring the Euro side round by demanding policies which allow Greece to grow. Greece needs to free up its economy, reduce its bureaucracy and be more flexible. The economists from the EU would have supported this and advised the politicians to emphasise this over austerity, but Tsiprav demanded the complete opposite pushing for nationalised socialist LaLa Land.


Positions hardened, compromise became impossible and this is the result: a referendum on a bad set of negotiations.


Goodness knows how this will end. There simply isn't a set of realistic negotiators to put Greece's position and it is highly unlikely that there will be tomorrow matter what the result.


Bad business likely to get worse.

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Early results from EVERY region report a majority for the No vote.


I can't see that being over turned. Bad night for Berlin and Brussels.


My view is they will claim to be a rules based grouping (even though they've broken their own rules time and time again) and refuse to compromise - "our hands are tied" - as the ECB pulls the plug.


I can't see how Greece's banks can continue to be supported if the government is in default. Nasty.

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I'm not surprised. Like I said earlier, all I could see were No posters everywhere and the biggest rally was the No one outside parliament. Plus stuff like ye olde Mussolini connection and the meaning of OXI to many here, and there you have it. Fuck knows what will happen now.


Went to Syntagma Square again a bit earlier but headed home now. Can't be arsed getting stuck in the crowd again smile.png

















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