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What ... not at all?! That's a rather sweeping statement LDV - care to back it up?


A major issue is that bond purchasers didn't distinguish between Euro denominated bonds and so Greek bond rates converged with German ones, even though its credit management was ... well should we say less teutonic!


If Greece hadn't had the Euro its highly doubtful rates would have converged and Greece would have been unable to sell so much debt.

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You're right, it was too sweeping a comment. I meant to refer to the fact that the reasons for having debt was not the cause of having the Euro. Although I wasn't aware of the issue regarding distinguishing between bonds, even though I was under the belief that the Greek government was well aware of the debt they were taking on.

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When will it stop?

Latest - Greece strike


When they can manage to see past there nose it will. which means it never stop.


Not sure what they hope for, because without these measures then there will be no funds to pay for them, so there cutting off the hand that feeds them.

Sure not good at the moment and the recent video clip is quite alarming as you can see people smashing things up to use as missiles.

I just cannot see the logic of damaging property and fully agree with you as to who is going to pay for it in the long run? Just senseless, absolutely senseless, does anyone else agree?

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But that is what we as humans do. Well most of us.


When we are attacked we fight back, and this is no diffrent than a cave man being attacked. They feel they are being attacked and have to defend themselfs i guess. Thiniong they are defending there lifes and jobs The only diffrince is what we are defending in this day and age.


At the end of the day we are all still caveman, And are wired that way,


I agree its madness. But we are lucky that we can watch from the outside looking in. Would it be diffrenet if it was us there, We will never know. But they do need to wake up and see they are making it worse.


Greece is only ever month away from anarchy. The moment they can not afford to pay the police or the army to control the people then it will all end for greece and the EU.

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What's a Greek Urn? Too fookin much - lazy workshy buggers.


When was the last time anyone on here actually bought anything from Greece? Do they make anything? Other than one alcohol fuelled night ending up in G&Ds, I've never been offered anything remotely Greek.

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After their huge contribution to developments in philosophy, maths, science, astronomy, map-making, law and language, they kinda rested on their laurels for a few thousand years.

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When will it stop?

Latest - Greece strike


When they can manage to see past there nose it will. which means it never stop.


Not sure what they hope for, because without these measures then there will be no funds to pay for them, so there cutting off the hand that feeds them.

Sure not good at the moment and the recent video clip is quite alarming as you can see people smashing things up to use as missiles.

I just cannot see the logic of damaging property and fully agree with you as to who is going to pay for it in the long run? Just senseless, absolutely senseless, does anyone else agree?

It isn't senseless, people are attacking symbols or facets of society has fucked them over. They just may have to pay for it, but I think you are confused by it in thinking that these people are doing it because it has some political end.

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Greece is only ever month away from anarchy. The moment they can not afford to pay the police or the army to control the people then it will all end for greece and the EU.
The end of the country? Doubt it. Just might be the beginning of something better. I think it unlikely but just because a society doesn't have a police force and army doesn't mean it's doomed.
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