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Well the Greeks have voted for an end to austerity but to stay in the Euro as is their democratic right. Bloody hilarious. Vote about something over which you have no control. Let's have a referendum in the Isle of Man about the climate being Mediterranean in future. It would be just as valid.

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Merkel has categorically stated there will be no debt relief. As the biggest creditor the rest will probably fall in line.


Which is fair enough. Otherwise they give the Greeks a haircut and the Irish, Spanish, Portuguese and Italians would be pigsick about it...

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Some German Red Cross spokesoperson was just in the German news, saying they are bascially ready to deliver humanitarian aid to Greece when it all goes bang. Third world, here we come....

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Some German Red Cross spokesoperson was just in the German news, saying they are bascially ready to deliver humanitarian aid to Greece when it all goes bang. Third world, here we come....

That's the point. Before lying and cheating their way in to the EU and later into the Eurozone Greece was to all intents was a Third World Country. Other people's money allowed the populace to then live a First World living standard but everything else from laziness to dishonesty remained Third World.


But the gravy train has hit the buffers and they don't like it.


Tough. Live with it.

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Looks like next Sunday is D-Day for Greece. Drachma day.


It is suggested that Greece doesn't have the competence to even re-introduce the Drachma, and when it is eventually introduced the result will be hyper-inflation.

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