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Ahh, grand. The evil part of me says "A couple of days of no money will teach the Greeks a lesson." but I know it's a mess for them over there. As a country they've made a mistake, a repeated mistake, didn't correct it and now they'll have the cows come home to roost.

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It's the people that have been prudent and saved all their lives in Greece that will end up getting their bank accounts robbed to pay for it.


The smart money left Greece a couple of years ago.

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I don't know how anyone can have any sympathy for Greece (either Govt or people).


They've had ample opportunity to rectify things but won't take the tough decisions. Ireland did it. Greece won't.


Can wait for them to fuck off.

Irelands people have a HUGE yolk on their backs just as the rest of the piggs have,but the politicians have pulled the wool over their unseeing votere eyes very successfuly,the paddys will be paying through the nose for years to pay of their politicians/bankers greed.

so you see ireland is under the jackboot for many years into the future.

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It's the people that have been prudent and saved all their lives in Greece that will end up getting their bank accounts robbed to pay for it.


The smart money left Greece a couple of years ago.



There are many smart people in Greece who have kids and families who saw it coming and whom couldn't leave. Let's not get all pompous about it.

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Latest Issue Private Eye* Number Crunch!



Bailout funds received by Greece, demanding wholesale political reform in return for continuing support - Є240 billion


Bailout funds received by Europe's banks in wake of financial crisis (excluding Є1 trillion+ in guarantees) - Є300 billion


Roflmao............ cool.png




*Issue 1396, Page 7

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Erm - Europe is something like 70 times bigger than Greece - so not exactly comparing like with like there TSM.


Plus if you think there hasn't been huge restructuring and reform of the Banking system as a result of that support ... well you are wrong!

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It's the people that have been prudent and saved all their lives in Greece that will end up getting their bank accounts robbed to pay for it.


The smart money left Greece a couple of years ago.



There are many smart people in Greece who have kids and families who saw it coming and whom couldn't leave. Let's not get all pompous about it.



You can always get your euro out - you can buy equities for example.

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Well, the narrative has changed a bit over the past few days (and fascinating throughout the thread, as I was sure it was going to be back on the Drachma by now), and it now appears that Greece will stay in the Euro, and be bailed out again after doing the reforms it said it wasn't going to do.

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Chaos in the streets of Athens as local youths decide to express their anger through the medium of.......dance.







That actually looks like the "new" bit of Ramsey.

Was there today and the place was full of life, band playing, people enjoying themselves etc.

Was nice to see.

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