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There will be a few thousand more when you factor in the expenses that are never scrutinised.


My mate works for health & safety executive in the UK. Has to go to Brussels a few times a month to go on pointless courses and attend pointless meetings. All 5 star hotels, meals, travel, entertainment, no receipts necessary. Gets paid handsomely for his travelling time and troubles too. All oncharged by the UK to the EU. Said he feels embarrassed when he's there the amount of living of the high life by those based in Brussels. Armies of people who live for free, everything is expensed. Like a huge gravy train of epic proportions for thousands.

That's the real reason why the euro cannot fail. Power, money and status at stake. Lots of it.

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  • 9 months later...

Greece is past saving now I think. The companies that haven't gone bust yet have left the country (at least on paper. Many are now registered in Bulgaria. Even your local plumber will now often give you an invoice with a Bulgarian address to avoid capital controls). The rich have moved their money a long time ago and everyone else has nothing left.


The government has just voted through more taxes and tax increases, which mean your average income will go down again, and especially pensions which have already been slashed by over 50% in the last ten years. The EU is destroying this country. You can't tax your way out of this. There is nothing left to take. People still protest (like the one at syntagma below a couple of days ago) but it achieves nothing.


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watch the guns appearing shortly and the police running for cover.


Huh? A number of those more violent protesters are cops anyway. Open secret here. They call them the "known unknowns", referring to the fact that they are wearing balaclavas but the cops know who they are anyway.


Protests here feel more like a play than a real event.


First they march peacefully and shout some slogans,




Then suddenly some people in the crowd put on balaclavas followed by 20 minutes of rocks / mollies / explosives and tear gas




Next is the intermission, with some dramatic crying and shouting in front of riot police. Very good for those emotional news pictures:




Following this it's back to peaceful protesting and then end of the event




In case you mean they will storm parliament in future, I somehow doubt it. There were surprisingly few cops there for such a large crowd and they could have done that time and time again if they really wanted to. If this was France the place would be on fire, but somehow they don't seem quite so inclined to use violence. Maybe that will change when the Grexit finally comes. Who knows. I think people are just sick of it all now and want things to improve.

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Greece is past saving now I think. The companies that haven't gone bust yet have left the country (at least on paper. Many are now registered in Bulgaria. Even your local plumber will now often give you an invoice with a Bulgarian address to avoid capital controls). The rich have moved their money a long time ago and everyone else has nothing left.


The government has just voted through more taxes and tax increases, which mean your average income will go down again, and especially pensions which have already been slashed by over 50% in the last ten years. The EU is destroying this country. You can't tax your way out of this. There is nothing left to take. People still protest (like the one at syntagma below a couple of days ago) but it achieves nothing.



What do you expect when you have a nation of lazy people retired on silly people pensions at 55?


Greece lied basically to get in the EU. The sooner they are hoofed the better.

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Greece is past saving now I think. The companies that haven't gone bust yet have left the country (at least on paper. Many are now registered in Bulgaria. Even your local plumber will now often give you an invoice with a Bulgarian address to avoid capital controls). The rich have moved their money a long time ago and everyone else has nothing left.


The government has just voted through more taxes and tax increases, which mean your average income will go down again, and especially pensions which have already been slashed by over 50% in the last ten years. The EU is destroying this country. You can't tax your way out of this. There is nothing left to take. People still protest (like the one at syntagma below a couple of days ago) but it achieves nothing.


What do you expect when you have a nation of lazy people retired on silly people pensions at 55?


Greece lied basically to get in the EU. The sooner they are hoofed the better.



It's partially their fault, no doubt, but the main blame must lie with the politicians here (and in Europe) and not with your average Joe trying to make a living. The government here lied and cheated - not only to Europe but to their own people as well. Meanwhile, Europe happily gave cheap credit to the country so everyone could have a nice new Mercedes, BMW or other German stuff. The Heimatland earned well out of this.


Greece shouldn't have joined the Euro in the first place, but it's too late now. 26% unemployment (50+% youth unemployment), continued recession and massive tax increases again (24% VAT now plus other fun measures, such as certain categories of goods and services being reclassified to higher VAT rates, from 13% to 23% or from 6,5 to 13%. Plus of course the usual pension cuts) make it all but impossible that this country will ever pay back that debt. Ain't gonna happen. 10 million people here in total and only a small part of them actually earning anything (and what they earn is not much. Think 4 euros per hour type levels). Without debt relief this is never going to improve.



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Greece is past saving now I think. The companies that haven't gone bust yet have left the country (at least on paper. Many are now registered in Bulgaria. Even your local plumber will now often give you an invoice with a Bulgarian address to avoid capital controls). The rich have moved their money a long time ago and everyone else has nothing left.


The government has just voted through more taxes and tax increases, which mean your average income will go down again, and especially pensions which have already been slashed by over 50% in the last ten years. The EU is destroying this country. You can't tax your way out of this. There is nothing left to take. People still protest (like the one at syntagma below a couple of days ago) but it achieves nothing.


What do you expect when you have a nation of lazy people retired on silly people pensions at 55?


Greece lied basically to get in the EU. The sooner they are hoofed the better.



It's partially their fault, no doubt, but the main blame must lie with the politicians here (and in Europe) and not with your average Joe trying to make a living. The government here lied and cheated - not only to Europe but to their own people as well. Meanwhile, Europe happily gave cheap credit to the country so everyone could have a nice new Mercedes, BMW or other German stuff. The Heimatland earned well out of this.


Greece shouldn't have joined the Euro in the first place, but it's too late now. 26% unemployment (50+% youth unemployment), continued recession and massive tax increases again (24% VAT now plus other fun measures, such as certain categories of goods and services being reclassified to higher VAT rates, from 13% to 23% or from 6,5 to 13%. Plus of course the usual pension cuts) make it all but impossible that this country will ever pay back that debt. Ain't gonna happen. 10 million people here in total and only a small part of them actually earning anything (and what they earn is not much. Think 4 euros per hour type levels). Without debt relief this is never going to improve.




PARTIALLY their fault?? they elected the politicians,they are still living beyond their means on other peoples money,they will not pay their bills,taxes or anything else,the sooner they are booted out the better,thieving bastards.

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