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Greece is only ever month away from anarchy. The moment they can not afford to pay the police or the army to control the people then it will all end for greece and the EU.
The end of the country? Doubt it. Just might be the beginning of something better. I think it unlikely but just because a society doesn't have a police force and army doesn't mean it's doomed.


Doubt it!!!!

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When will it stop?

Latest - Greece strike


When they can manage to see past there nose it will. which means it never stop.


Not sure what they hope for, because without these measures then there will be no funds to pay for them, so there cutting off the hand that feeds them.

Sure not good at the moment and the recent video clip is quite alarming as you can see people smashing things up to use as missiles.

I just cannot see the logic of damaging property and fully agree with you as to who is going to pay for it in the long run? Just senseless, absolutely senseless, does anyone else agree?

It isn't senseless, people are attacking symbols or facets of society has fucked them over. They just may have to pay for it, but I think you are confused by it in thinking that these people are doing it because it has some political end.

It is senseless to me and probably to many others too as tourism provides 15% of their GDP. They are damaging property that will have been paid for by the people and if I had personally paid for something that I contributed to and was damaged, I'd have been..... well, ..... really peeved.

Would they have wrecked their own homes? I very much doubt it. Would they have cut off their electricity or water to their house? Again I very much doubt it and there lies the problem. Senseless vandalism to objects that do not concern them is exactly that, senseless vandalism. Did the vandals think that by damaging properties, that everything was ok, doesn't effect them and wouldn't harm their economy in the long run....? Absolute stupidity.

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But I think you are missing out the effects of the economic and political situation on the people as it relates not just to their political desires but also to their feelings.


You have people who living standards are going to drop significantly, who don't have a job and are unlikely to get one in the short to medium term, who futures are very uncertain and have to set aside some basic aspirations as to what they want to do in their life. Wouldn't you be incensed by that? Who do you blame? And how do you get at those people and institutions that left you in that situation?

I can certainly see peoples frustrations and the need to do something, but again, damaging part of their tourist industry which assists the money-go-round is still senseless vandalism.

I understand that their world has been turned upside down and what positions and jobs that were once safe, are no longer so. Money that would have possibly been kept for luxuries, are probably well gone by now and the deeper need of survival will be kicking in. What little monies they do have, I'd imagine that they'll be counting the pennies and buying goods shrewdly as a careful necessity, as knowing how and where they're going to buy items next will become an increasing concern. IMO, I can see this getting worse via rioting and looting unless some restructuring of their debts or other intervention is quickly applied.


To partly answer your question - Who do you blame? then presumably one would have to look at why they were in debt in the first place although a survey carried out in May, indicated the following.




As for - How do you get at those people and institutions that left you in that situation? then I do not know, but IMO, senseless vandalism and destruction of property is not the way forward.

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As for - How do you get at those people and institutions that left you in that situation? then I do not know, but IMO, senseless vandalism and destruction of property is not the way forward.
But it is not a method to achieve something though. It is just a venting of frustration and anger. It isn't senseless. It may run counter to their interests, however in having to pay for it.

But in these times when they feel they need to challenge and fight, I don't think they are too concerned and nor should they be about tourists visiting, regardless of the money it brings into the economy.

I'm sorry LDV, but it still seems like senseless vandalism to me and that's the only area I'm looking at the moment and after looking up senseless in the dictionary, it stated - lacking mental perception, appreciation, or comprehension.


stated; deliberately mischievous or malicious destruction or damage of property: vandalism of public buildings.Then I'd say that what some people are doing, is senseless vandalism and I somehow doubt whether they would damage their own personal property to do the same actions they are doing now.

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I am pointing that there is a reason behind it and that it does come from a comprehension of the person's circumstances, their desire to express their anger and target particular things to release that anger.

That's ok LDV, I agree that people are making rash decisions probably bordering on something primeval, although I still stand that using inanimate objects will have consequences later on and their ire should be directed differently, instead of the senseless vandalism that is currently taking place.

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What's do you dislike about it. Is it simply because these people will have to pay for the damage?

My many messages to you was only about one area only and that was about senseless vandalism. I can continue saying this word in many different ways if you wish although I think that it will achieve nothing, but my specific meaning will be the same and if you disagree with this, then it would be better to finish here and state that you disagree that the people who were damaging property were not senseless vandals and did it because of.....

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You're missing my point. Say we call it 'senseless vandalism' (the buzzphrase whenever someone dislikes or can't figures out why something is vandalised). What is it about it that you dislike? What makes you think it is primeval? You have already recognised that there is a reason behind it but it is counterproductive, but what do you dislike about it?

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You're missing my point. Say we call it 'senseless vandalism' (the buzzphrase whenever someone dislikes or can't figures out why something is vandalised). What is it about it that you dislike? What makes you think it is primeval? You have already recognised that there is a reason behind it but it is counterproductive, but what do you dislike about it?

It's bad or do you think vandalism is good?

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It's frustration. Frustration at the financial terrorists who have bankrupted, raped and are now starting to pillage their country. When people have nothing, they have nothing to lose. People don't know where to turn to voice their anger as the people they elected are just puppets for the global banking cartel and are doing as they are told. If people had some direction and some leadership then they probably wouldn't turn to 'senseless vandalism', but at the moment they feel helpless. The violence isn't excusable but it is understandable.

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It's frustration. Frustration at the financial terrorists who have bankrupted, raped and are now starting to pillage their country. When people have nothing, they have nothing to lose. People don't know where to turn to voice their anger as the people they elected are just puppets for the global banking cartel and are doing as they are told. If people had some direction and some leadership then they probably wouldn't turn to 'senseless vandalism', but at the moment they feel helpless. The violence isn't excusable but it is understandable.

I think it is excusable. I think it is excusable for people to attack buildings of the State when they represent the cause of their problems. It isn't productive for them to damage these buildings, as they will have to pay for them. But I can understandable AND excuse their violence given the circumstances.
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It's frustration. Frustration at the financial terrorists who have bankrupted, raped and are now starting to pillage their country. When people have nothing, they have nothing to lose. People don't know where to turn to voice their anger as the people they elected are just puppets for the global banking cartel and are doing as they are told. If people had some direction and some leadership then they probably wouldn't turn to 'senseless vandalism', but at the moment they feel helpless. The violence isn't excusable but it is understandable.

I think it is excusable. I think it is excusable for people to attack buildings of the State when they represent the cause of their problems. It isn't productive for them to damage these buildings, as they will have to pay for them. But I can understandable AND excuse their violence given the circumstances.


Government buildings yes, private property no.

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Well the greek people have got what they want.

They now make the choice if they take the bail out or not.


chances are they will say no, and thats bye bye greece and the first to fall out of the euro,

writing could well be on the wall. Will be intrsting to see what the markets do when they open.


If they default this could have a huge effect on the rest of the EU and the UK depending how much each has invested in greece. And a knock on effect to the IOM as well.



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