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I really and sincerely hope that they renege on repaying their debt and get kicked out of the Euro zone and the EU.

The government lied through their teeth to gain accession, the public jumped on every opportunity to con at every step, they extorted cash from the power house state, and thought they could continue to get away with it as did the Manx government with the VAT swindle.

Greece is a peasant nation. It has used other people's money to work to the lazy peasant hand to mouth come day go day while living to a standard that their efforts do not justify.

It's now quite literally pay back time and the pay back needed an end to Spanish Practices and working properly like the people in the EU power house states but they have not as well as pay back and servicing of the loans from the ECB.

So now they should be MADE to reduce their living standard to the level that they can afford.

Hardship? Yes. But it'll be the pain of reverting to the peasant lifestyle that they can afford based on the work that they are prepared to undertake.

And the sooner the better. Otherwise the whole country is not just a country of liars and cheats, it'll be a country of thieves too and that they must not be allowed to get away with.

I am not trying to be a smartass but i made this very observation many years ago spook,one minute the greeks were a happy go lucky people with a very good tourist industry and a few small exporters,then along comes the gravy train and the greeks grabbed everything going,overnight they had social services,hospitals,and olympic venues all out of thin air,and they REALLY YES REALLY thought they would'nt get the bill eventually,they must be fucking looney tunes it was obvious the reckoning would come,well guys the day is here,PAY UP,hand over your country to the evil EUSSR.

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The Greek bailouts aren't bailing out Greece, they are bailing out the banks and institutions who lent them the money in the first place, well aware they had neither the means nor the will to pay it back. The banks should have to take the 'haircut' for irresponsible lending in the first place, however that's not in the big plan. They want hard assets as payback, they want ports, islands, anything tangible they can get their hands on. Hedge fund managers like John Paulson have been in Athens after their pound of flesh, billionaires want their own island so they park their yacht in the sun.

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I believe that the loans were made in the understanding that the Greek government would change the economy to one where a the population would have no choice other than pay taxes and where such things as pension conditions and payments would be broadly aligned to those of the countries who one way or another facilitated the loans.


There was also a promise by the Greek government to privatise vast swathes of government owned and mismanaged utilities.


The lying Greeks who had lied in order to gain accession to the EU and later the Eurozone continued with their lies by not impliment the changes that they had promised.


They should be expelled from the Eurozone and from the EU and all accsessable assets seized in order to recover as much of the European taxpayers money as possible.

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I believe that the loans were made in the understanding that the Greek government would change the economy to one where a the population would have no choice other than pay taxes and where such things as pension conditions and payments would be broadly aligned to those of the countries who one way or another facilitated the loans.


There was also a promise by the Greek government to privatise vast swathes of government owned and mismanaged utilities.


The lying Greeks who had lied in order to gain accession to the EU and later the Eurozone continued with their lies by not impliment the changes that they had promised.


They should be expelled from the Eurozone and from the EU and all accsessable assets seized in order to recover as much of the European taxpayers money as possible.


Greece should tell the EU to swivel, likewise Spain, Italy, Portugal and Ireland. However the political classes who do very well out of the gravy train of all gravy trains have a vested interest to screw their respective citizens and maintain their extravagant lifestyles they have become accustomed to.

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So having accepted billions of Euros of hard working tax payer underwritten loans from the Eurobank these countries should now refuse to repay their debts?


Well I suppose that since this is a Manx forum that is the sort of morality that should be expected.

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So having accepted billions of Euros of hard working tax payer underwritten loans from the Eurobank these countries should now refuse to repay their debts?


Well I suppose that since this is a Manx forum that is the sort of morality that should be expected.


Thats tenuous....even for you!


In Norfolk......

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So having accepted billions of Euros of hard working tax payer underwritten loans from the Eurobank these countries should now refuse to repay their debts?


Well I suppose that since this is a Manx forum that is the sort of morality that should be expected.



I would immediately suspend all debt payments. I would do a debt-to-private equity swap but the ratio should be about a 50% haircut on the debt. The exact figure should be no more than where the debt to drachma stood in 1998.

The debt-to-equity swap would see capital flowing back to Greece and you will see small businesses develop. The smartest brains have been leaving Greece to find jobs and need to be attracted back. They need to eliminate all taxation and cut government expenditure by reducing regulation and it's size. The swap to equity will create new businesses and that will create jobs for the displaced government workers.

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I would let Greece go to the wall and seize all assets plus kick Greece out of both the EU and the Eurozone without a second thought.


Why don't you just go the whole hog and suggest blowing them into the last century to finish them off. Why not even create more wealth in the worlds military by spending money on advanced weapons to make sure they never recover.

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I would let Greece go to the wall and seize all assets plus kick Greece out of both the EU and the Eurozone without a second thought.


Why don't you just go the whole hog and suggest blowing them into the last century to finish them off. Why not even create more wealth in the worlds military by spending money on advanced weapons to make sure they never recover.

Because what is needed is not the destruction of Greece but the return of Greece to being a peasant economy. Any nation needs to ballance expenditure with earnings (take note IOM) and Greece did not. Any hope of moving forward has to be based on balancing the economy and Greece singularly failed to even attempt to do so. The country and it's people must now be made to.


If this is not enforced then other nation states who are still in a get well mode will then try to pull the same stroke and in the UK it would be encouraging The Great Unwashed to believe that there is an alternative to the needed reduction in living standards that the much needed austerity program is bringing when in fact there is none.


I watched the rabble in London on television and wondered just where the idiots thought that the money would come from to cut back on the austerity measures that have only just started to be applied.


I doubt if they even understood anything beyond 'we don't want it and we want it ended'


In reality and to quote Lady Thatcher --- there is no alternative.

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I would let Greece go to the wall and seize all assets plus kick Greece out of both the EU and the Eurozone without a second thought.


Why don't you just go the whole hog and suggest blowing them into the last century to finish them off. Why not even create more wealth in the worlds military by spending money on advanced weapons to make sure they never recover.

Because what is needed is not the destruction of Greece but the return of Greece to being a peasant economy. Any nation needs to ballance expenditure with earnings (take note IOM) and Greece did not. Any hope of moving forward has to be based on balancing the economy and Greece singularly failed to even attempt to do so. The country and it's people must now be made to.


If this is not enforced then other nation states who are still in a get well mode will then try to pull the same stroke and in the UK it would be encouraging The Great Unwashed to believe that there is an alternative to the needed reduction in living standards that the much needed austerity program is bringing when in fact there is none.


I watched the rabble in London on television and wondered just where the idiots thought that the money would come from to cut back on the austerity measures that have only just started to be applied.


I doubt if they even understood anything beyond 'we don't want it and we want it ended'


In reality and to quote Lady Thatcher --- there is no alternative.

The plastic socialists with their placards only have one answer, tax the rich. They fail to realise that socialism is economically retarded, doesn't work, has never worked and will never work.

It also looks like the Greek Prime Minister is similarly backward in his outlook. He's now saying he'll raise taxes and refuses to cut public sector wages and pensions, which will only accelerate the decline.

With what is similarly going on here on the rock it does make you wonder how brain dead you must be to rise to the top of government.

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