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State Sponsored Slaughter

Monkey boy

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10 years on and the combined death toll from the Afghan & Iraqi conflicts are approaching 1 million, while the costs to the UK taxpayer for this achievement running to tens of billions.

It strikes me that some of the UK immigrants who seem to like calling the TT & MGP "state sponsored slaughter"

ought to get their heads out of their asses & start complaining about some real state sponsored slaughter rather than just that which inconveniences them with road closures.

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Yes, yes Monkeyboy, but people have a very 'local' and racialistic bias. It doesn't matter so much when a million civilians die in some off country (especially when such people think it isn't their responsibility), but some bikers choosing to put their life in their hands on their own turf seems terrible to them.


And most of the public have such a warped sense of morality and understanding of conflicts like Aghanistan, due to propaganda from the government and media, that they don't actually think there is much wrong with the war or are not seriously bothered about what British servicemen are doing there.


When the public is made to think stupidly on such things, you aren't going to get the opposition to end these wars. Not unless many more British servicemen are killed.

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I wonder who the next bogeymen of the Uk will be?Its been the commies,the irish,the argies,the ragheads in my lifetime.The Manx government should denounce the parliament in England for the bullies/war mongerers that they are.

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Britain's answer to the yanks "vietnam". The comedy duo running the UK should pull the plug on this immediately and bring our troops home. Too many brave servicemen and women have lost their lives already


Afghanistan asked the UN for help in 2001 and which led to the UN supporting the formation of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) as a result many NATO members have chipped in....Hardly UK on its own now is it?....The British soldiers are there as part of ISAF and you can see the badges on their uniforms...Although I grant you that many are using it to advance their careers and relish the chance to do what they joined up for.....The TV programme "Young Soldiers" a fly-on the wall presentation seems to be a fair reflection....The Isle of Man is part of the British state...Its legislature members must swear an oath of loyalty to the Queen who is head of state so all in all the Isle of Man is every bit as implicated in Afghanistan...Bit hard I would have thought to denounce the forces of the Crown when you are a Crown Dependency and your legislators take the oath???

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Britain's answer to the yanks "vietnam". The comedy duo running the UK should pull the plug on this immediately and bring our troops home. Too many brave servicemen and women have lost their lives already


Afghanistan asked the UN for help in 2001 and which led to the UN supporting the formation of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) as a result many NATO members have chipped in....Hardly UK on its own now is it?....The British soldiers are there as part of ISAF and you can see the badges on their uniforms...Although I grant you that many are using it to advance their careers and relish the chance to do what they joined up for.....The TV programme "Young Soldiers" a fly-on the wall presentation seems to be a fair reflection....The Isle of Man is part of the British state...Its legislature members must swear an oath of loyalty to the Queen who is head of state so all in all the Isle of Man is every bit as implicated in Afghanistan...Bit hard I would have thought to denounce the forces of the Crown when you are a Crown Dependency and your legislators take the oath???

There are still many hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians dead, however you want to dress it up Barrie.

We may still be a crown depenency but just what do we depend on the crown for? Not much. As for our legislators swearing an oath of loyalty to the queen - well there's an outdated & pointless practice if ever there was one - not much to loose there then.

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Britain's answer to the yanks "vietnam". The comedy duo running the UK should pull the plug on this immediately and bring our troops home. Too many brave servicemen and women have lost their lives already


Afghanistan asked the UN for help in 2001 and which led to the UN supporting the formation of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) as a result many NATO members have chipped in....Hardly UK on its own now is it?....The British soldiers are there as part of ISAF and you can see the badges on their uniforms...Although I grant you that many are using it to advance their careers and relish the chance to do what they joined up for.....The TV programme "Young Soldiers" a fly-on the wall presentation seems to be a fair reflection....The Isle of Man is part of the British state...Its legislature members must swear an oath of loyalty to the Queen who is head of state so all in all the Isle of Man is every bit as implicated in Afghanistan...Bit hard I would have thought to denounce the forces of the Crown when you are a Crown Dependency and your legislators take the oath???

There are still many hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians dead, however you want to dress it up Barrie.


And they have all been killed by ISAF forces, specifically British Forces?


Of course not. In war there are residual civillian casualties.


Not sure how credible this site is: http://www.unknownne...casualties.html and granted it is 2010 but its something to work from :


Total Killed in Afghanistan: 19629

Total Seriously Injured in Afghanistan: 48644


Those figures include ISAF personnel, Afghan Soldiers, Contractors and Jornos. It also includes Afghan civillians, however Taliban fighters are also included in that number as it is hard to distinguish the two at times.


So not quite "hundreds of thousands of innocent civillians dead". Not unless several nukes have been set off there and no one knows about it.


And lets not forget the Taliban have no problems or issues with killing their own country men and women.


Edit to add:


From the BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk...h-asia-12332049 from this Febuary


"The number of civilians killed in Afghanistan since the US-led invasion a decade ago hit record levels last year, according to a new report.


Some 2,421 civilians were killed, most at the hands of insurgents, the Kabul-based Afghanistan Rights Monitor said.


Foreign troops were to blame for about a fifth of all deaths - a slight fall on the previous year, the report says."


Edit to add:


From the Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2010/aug/10/afghanistan-civilian-casualties-statistics# from August 2010


"The Taliban and other anti-government elements have been blamed for 2,080 civilians who were killed in Afghanistan last year - a sharp rise of 28% on 2009. This accounted for 75% of all deaths whereas pro-government forces totalled 440 civilian killings."

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I wonder who the next bogeymen of the Uk will be?Its been the commies,the irish,the argies,the ragheads in my lifetime.The Manx government should denounce the parliament in England for the bullies/war mongerers that they are.


"commies". Yeah, because that was all makey uppy.

"the irish". Did we imagine all those bombs going off in London, Manchester, etc?

"the argies" You mean the ones who invaded a Soverign dependency?

"the ragheads" I'm guessing you've been living in a cave for the last 10 - 11 years...Its okay, your herring and spuds are still safe.

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