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Don't be such girls!


My overclocked i7-920 hits the high 80s in the Intel burn test, and it hasn't caught fire yet chris.gif


Like tribz said, SB isn't as good with higher temps as the old i7s are. I've read it's really not good to go over 80 degrees for extended periods of time. Your old i7 can hit the 80s, but i still woudln't be happy with an overclock that goes that high on IBT. Must be idling at 60+? My old 920 got better temps than that, and i was using the shitty C0 revision

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Like tribz said, SB isn't as good with higher temps as the old i7s are. I've read it's really not good to go over 80 degrees for extended periods of time. Your old i7 can hit the 80s, but i still woudln't be happy with an overclock that goes that high on IBT. Must be idling at 60+? My old 920 got better temps than that, and i was using the shitty C0 revision


My 920 is C0, it was pretty much one of the first batch to go on sale in the UK.


On idle the cores are between 47-50, under IBT the hottest core gets to about 88.


It should be noted however that I'm on a pretty crappy cooler, Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro Rev 2, so my overclock isn't immense (3.5GHz from stock of 2.66GHz), but it's a nice quiet cooler which is perfect for when I'm using my PC to watch a film. Wind all the case fans down and it's pretty much silent.


I did have it clocked out to 3.67GHz for a while, but after an extended GTAIV session, Core Temp reported that one of the cores had hit 95C (!!!) so I dialled it down a bit nuke.gif


I bought my mobo/CPU/RAM second hand off a dude at work (he always has the very best gear in his PC, hence him buying the 920 when it first went on sale), so I didn't want to chuck big bucks at a fancy cooling solution as that'd sort of eliminate the point of getting the stuff on the cheap in the first place :)

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Sounds like you got a pretty decent deal over all. I wish i had the patience (and common sense!) to wait and get stuff at a good (reduced!) price. I have a terrible habit of purchasing the latest PC kit pretty soon after it comes out. I'm a big time PC nerd though (as if you couldn't tell looking at my sig!).


The SB-E chips look good, but i just can't see moving to a hexacore CPU a big enough upgrade for me. Maybe next year when the octo cores come out. Not only do i blow untold wads on my gaming machine, i also spend a small fortune on the server in my attic. 24TB of space and a £600 raid controller and the $$$ soon starts ramping up!

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Sounds like you got a pretty decent deal over all. I wish i had the patience (and common sense!) to wait and get stuff at a good (reduced!) price. I have a terrible habit of purchasing the latest PC kit pretty soon after it comes out. I'm a big time PC nerd though (as if you couldn't tell looking at my sig!).


It was an insanely good deal. Asus P6T Deluxe, i7-920, 12GB of G-Skill 1600MHz DDR3 RAM - for £180 w00t.gif


I made the mistake once and once only of buying at the absolute cutting edge of PC tech, a Pentium 1 MMX (remember MMX?.....) at 200MHz, when it was brand new and the hottest ticket in town. The CPU alone was about £500, and this was in 1996 (or thereabouts). The whole system cost the best part of £2000, and it didn't even have a proper 3D card in it (it had a Matrox Mystique in it), I paid another £200 to stick a 1st gen 3DFX card in it later on.


Three months later the Pentium II came out and made my PC look like crap. I pledged never again to buy new PC tech, and I never have!


The SB-E chips look good, but i just can't see moving to a hexacore CPU a big enough upgrade for me. Maybe next year when the octo cores come out. Not only do i blow untold wads on my gaming machine, i also spend a small fortune on the server in my attic. 24TB of space and a £600 raid controller and the $$$ soon starts ramping up!


I match my PC to what I want to do with it these days, and don't chase numbers or the latest tech. I only got the (second-hand) i7 upgrade because it was such a good deal and unlocked the potential of my GTX480 in BC2. (1200p gaming with everything on ultra at 60FPS is a thing of beauty.)


I still keep an eye on all the latest developments (subscribe to Custom PC and PC Pro, and keep an eye on a range of tech sites), but the days of me binning wedges of cash on the very latest kit are long behind me. I find it's possible to be a generation or two behind the latest gear, save an absolute fecking fortune, and yet still have a really capable, powerful PC.


I've not even got an SSD yet, waiting for the Crucial M4 256GB to hit the £1 per gigabyte mark and then I'll jump aboard.


What do you do with 24TB of storage BTW? You must 'evaluate' an awful lot of stuff devil.gif

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I rip all my Blu Rays onto it for watching with XBMC. Got around 500 on there at the moment, all in full uncompressed 1080p and DTS-HD / Dolby TrueHD audio


My first PC was from Waltons many moons ago, Pentium II 266 (£700!), 64MB RAM, 2 x Voodoo 2 12MB Video cards, 3GB HDD - came to ....£2700!


Couldn't give that away now...crazy how times change


in 2013 i'll be changing my 12 x 2TB drives for 12 x 5TB ones hopefully, although they will cost me a good £1800 i would think. Wouldn't need to change them for another 4-5 years though after that


I sold my Dell 30" screen a few months back, and changed it for a 24" Dell IPS screen. Much better colours etc. I enjoyed gaming at 2560x1600 but to run the latest games you always needed dual cards, and even then they weren't always fast enough


I had 2 x 7800GTX, 2 x 8800GTX. 2 x 4870x2, 3 x GTX280, and now 2 x GTX580. SLI scaling is almost perfect now on the 5 series and i can't see any microstuttering, whereas i saw it on all the previous generations (Radeon 4870x2 quadfire was particularly bad)


SSDs are pretty cheap now, i got a Corsair Force GT 60GB for my OS and it was only around £100. MY Vertex 3 120GB is almost redundant now as i was using it for Steam but it's no quicker than my 3 x Samsung Spinpoint F3 1TBs in RAID0



£180 for those bits of yours was an absolute steal!!!

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