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Liam Fox And Adam Werritty, I'm Getting Bored Of The Sub Text


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Is it just me or is this starting to look like the worlds biggest cryptic witchhunt to 'out' a major politican?




They might as well just run with an article accusing him of being a shirt-lifter and asking him to disprove it rather than all these vomit drenched euphemisms about them being 'close friends' or refering to his 'best man' or 'adviser' or 'travel companion' etc, etc.


Its all starting to read rather pukey and gutter pressy to me dressing it up as an abuse of power issue when really if you read between the lines they seem to be wanting to titter behind his back - Ooo er missus, its back to the 70s for you Dr Fox.

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I wonder if Cameron's team have been briefing against Fox. There's been a series of stories where Fox's private criticisms of Cameron have been made public. But Cameron can't just sack him because he'd become leader in waiting for the nutter wing of the party.


Hadn't considered the gay angle until today's story about the Torys covering up the fact that when his house was robbed and his wife away he had a "young friend" staying over.


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I wonder if Cameron's team have been briefing against Fox. There's been a series of stories where Fox's private criticisms of Cameron have been made public. But Cameron can't just sack him because he'd become leader in waiting for the nutter wing of the party.


Hadn't considered the gay angle until today's story about the Torys covering up the fact that when his house was robbed and his wife away he had a "young friend" staying over.


It reads to me that someone somewhere in Whitehall has decided that his lifestyle is a security risk and the media has been deployed to take him down. Or maybe I'm just a cynic. His activities appear to be a clear abuse of power, but there are now so many layers of euphemism in there I wish they'd just get it over with if that is what they are suggesting.


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I love the Daily Mash take on it http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/politics/politics-headlines/sun-demands-inquiry-into-whether-fox-does-it-with-men-201110124409/ with such classic lines as:


They were backed by voters across the country who stressed they did not care about Mr Werrity's business interests but did always like to find out if someone is gay.


...despite any obvious connection between Mr Werrity's business interests and Dr Fox's anus,


And, best of all: Meanwhile, as Labour MPs said the controversy exposed typical Tory attitudes to government, Peter Mandelson perused the latest instalment of Dr Fox's troubles, mumbled 'fucking amateur' and then checked his appointments diary.

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I don't see the gay angle myself.


But it does seem to me Mr Fox maybe feels a bit out of his depth in his job, and wants help from his pal.


I have always wondered how people got jobs as government advisers.


Wonder if my boss would let me take my pal to work. Um..... wait.... need to find a pal first :-)

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I don't see the gay angle myself.


Really? What news are you watching Newsround on CBeebies? I agree with the Sultan its getting beyond the pail now with all this nudge, nudge, wink, wink ... cough, cough [fudge packer!] routine.

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That's always been part of the suspicion. Basically, why is Fox's "special fwend" jetting around the world with Fox, attending metttings & handing out cards saying he's Fox's "Special Defence Advisor Fwend" if he's not paid by HMG or the Tory Party? Who's funding him and how he earns his living are key questions, because if it is defence contractors or others seeking access to Government then, at best, rules about tranparency of political funding have been breached.


That doesn't mean there isn't an undercurrent of innuendo in the reporting.

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Well, he's resigned.


It was basically inevitable once it came out that Mr Werritty was being paid by people involved in the Defence Industry to be pals with Mr Fox!


I can't comprehend how Fox could allow a situation like that to come about. Shows huge nievity if you ask me.


If he valued his advice he should have had him appointed an official advisor - I can't see why the system couldn't allow this to be a part time position or whatever.


The creation of a shadow advisor, paid for non-transparency would instantly create an impression of a conflict of interests.


All the innuendo about sexuality is so much prejudice, but having a pal follow you around on defence industry jollies paid by a secret channel - that's a no no, big time.

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