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Liam Fox And Adam Werritty, I'm Getting Bored Of The Sub Text


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It was obvious to me right from the start that Fox should go. Someone in that position should be beyond reproach. It's just disappointing that he didn't have the ability to act decisively and leave promptly rather than dragging it out, as always seems to happen in these cases.

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This mornings BBC news had on it some lickspittle from the Torygraph saying how their (the Torygraphs) political journalist was the best in the business etc etc and how the whole Fox affair had shown what a statesman Cameron was etc etc I nearly threw up.


Do folks actually not only pay money for rubbish like the Torygraph and Wail but believe the drivel it prints as well? Remarkable if true.


The Leveson inquiry is a joke. But then so is the fact that the Editor of The Daily Wail, Paul Dacre, is somehow Chairman of the Press Complaints Commission. That's as ridiculous as having, say, someone who has knowingly misled Tynwald as CM.


Former Sun editor Kelvin MacKenzie made me smile though. He's the UK press version of Berlusconi. The world according to Kelvin:


"Kelvin MacKenzie launched a scathing criticism of David Cameron's "obsessive arse-kissing" of the Murdochs and slammed the "ludicrous" Leveson inquiry into media ethics and phone hacking.


""The only reason we are all here is due to one man's action; Cameron's obsessive arse-kissing over the years of Rupert Murdoch."


Mr Mackenzie said Mr Cameron wanted Rupert Murdoch "onside at all costs".

He said "There was never a party, a breakfast, a lunch, a cuppa or a quiet word or drink that Cameron and Co would not turn up to in force if The Great Man or his handmaiden Rebekah Brooks was there.


"There was always a queue to kiss their rings. It was gut wrenching."


He said final proof the Prime Minister had "clearly gone quite potty" was his hiring of Andy Coulson as his director of communications, but the phone hacking scandal had prompted him to order: "Stop the arse kissing and start the arse kicking".


Regularly prompting laughter, Mr MacKenzie mocked both the inquiry as well as poking fun of its chairman Lord Justice Leveson, "who couldn't win when prosecuting counsel against Ken Dodd for tax evasion".


Mr MacKenzie said there were "plenty of laws" to cover what had happened rather than the inquiry: "This is the way in which our Prime Minister is hopeful he can escape his own personal lack of judgment."


"If anything, the only recommendation that should be put forward by Leveson is one banning by law over-ambitious and under-talented politicians from giving house room to newspaper proprietors who are seeking commercial gain from their contacts.


"In tabloid terms, arse kissing will then be illegal."


Call me old-fashioned but I get the impression Kelvin MacKenzie is not exactly over impressed with Mr Cameron...

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I see that the Daily Wail now ups the ante ..




I have no idea how scared everyone seems to be of Dr Fox and his connections but all this dancing around handbags makes you want to puke. Its either about him abusing power or about him being a shirt-lifter. The media needs to focus in on what the real issue is and cut the pointless innuendo.

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His previous homophobia makes him fair game, frankly

Quite right. If he is gay or is having sex with men, then 'outing' is perfectly acceptable and well deserved.

I didn't know he was homophobic to be honest, but should anyone be outed irrespective of their position? I didn't think that would be something that you would advocate LDV?

I realise he holds a highly sensitive position in government and could be subjected to blackmail if he were. That would be a huge threat to national security and could be a huge embarrassment.for the Prime Minister and his questionable judgement.

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He has been homophobic in the past. And yes, regardless of someone's position or who they are, if they have been homophobic or continue to be then they should (or even must) be exposed as gay.


If someone has a highly sensitive position in government and has issues over their sexuality, then I thought it would be obvious that they must 'come out' themselves to avoid blackmail.

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I can't comprehend how Fox could allow a situation like that to come about. Shows huge nievity if you ask me.


If he valued his advice he should have had him appointed an official advisor - I can't see why the system couldn't allow this to be a part time position or whatever.

Fox is a right wing Tory blessed of St Margaret - thus rules are for lesser mortals - appointing Werrity as a special adviser would require said Werrity to get security clearance at which I suspect too much dirty washing gets aired - do you really want the US tea-party with close links to an important minister. The key loser is Cameron - the best that could be said is that he was belaying enough rope to guarantee breaking Fox's neck or that he or the security service is inept

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