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Duke Nukem Forever - Surprisingly Not Bad....


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I skipped this on release as I figured it'd be super-cheap before long, and true enough it's now only £7.49 on Steam.


I've only put about an hour and a half in so far, but y'know what? It's really quite good fun, despite the largely awful reviews it got - rather crass and crude, but hey, that was always a big chunk of Duke Nukem's draw :)


For under a tenner, and whilst we're all waiting for BF3/MW3 - a pretty cheap and entertaining way to spend a few hours.

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I'd rather give someone £7.49 to flay my testicles with piss soaked shoelaces than play that.


I ended up in the DNF First Access Club because I bought the Borderlands GOTY edition and I was given a free code for some DLC that just came out? You're welcome to it if you want it.

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I'd rather give someone £7.49 to flay my testicles with piss soaked shoelaces than play that.


I ended up in the DNF First Access Club because I bought the Borderlands GOTY edition and I was given a free code for some DLC that just came out? You're welcome to it if you want it.


That would be splendid, please PM the code if you'd be so kind.


So you just flat out hated DNF then?


My expectations were epically low, I think I gave up on it ever seeing the light of day sometime around the turn of century, so to see it arrive at all and actually be reasonably entertaining was something of a surprise.


Sometimes I'm just in the mood for a big dumb action game, and DNF fits the bill.

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PM sent with code.


I wasn't a fan no. It was a completely on rails shooter, with mediocre graphics, nothing innovative and it felt tired, old and utterly dull. The vehicles were shite, the levels looked like they were cobbled together fan submitted maps with no sense of correlation or theme and the idiotic fact that Duke can now only carry two weapons, means that the whole thing was designed for low IQ, physically challenged console morons with no opposable thumbs. Which is probably just as well because any thumb owner who plays it for more than five minutes, is compelled to thrust both their thumbs into their eye sockets and scrape their frontal lobes out with their nails.

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Meh you guys are just too highbrow.


Any game where I get shrunk to a dwarf and thus can get a better low-angle shot on a ladeeee wearing a 'GOT MILF?' t-shirt is alright by me.


Have spent a chunk of the evening playing this - it's stupid, low-brow, basic, archaic and about ten years too late, but I've enjoyed it nonetheless and no doubt I'll finish the single player campaign. I don't mind linear either, Max Payne 1/2 were almost completely linear but didn't suffer in the slightest for it IMO.


Also, DNF has got one of the best shotguns I've had the pleasure of shooting baddies with in a very long time.


(Plus you can carry four weapons on the PC version, which definitely helps. It's also worth nothing that the console versions are desperately shonky, the PC version does look OK, in a 2006 sort of way.)


Don't get me wrong, I like more involved/challenging games as much as anyone (I think EVE is probably going to be my next venture, having pretty much finished with WoW now), but same as with films, sometimes it's just nice to put the brain in neutral and enjoy something big and dumb.


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Ahh the four weapon thing came in a patch. The launch version was two.


Doesn't change anything, it's still a turd.


And good luck with Eve. Say goodbye to your life. If you think WoW sucked it away, you've seen nothing yet.

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Ahh the four weapon thing came in a patch. The launch version was two.


Doesn't change anything, it's still a turd.


And good luck with Eve. Say goodbye to your life. If you think WoW sucked it away, you've seen nothing yet.


It is turd in a lot of ways, but it's enjoyable turd - sort of like a guilty Friday night kebab, or watching a Michael Bay film and thinking it's not completely shit (I'm looking at you, 'The Rock', I know you're rubbish and yet still I find you watchable!).


Cheers for the DNF code, redeemed it successfully :)


As for Eve, I have a 'friend on the inside' who's said he'll guide me through the vertical learning curve and lob a load of ISK my way, but I am aware that it's still a potentially hazardous time sink.....


Still not 100% committed to giving it a go, and still not sure I won't get back into WoW sooner or later, these things ebb and flow.

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