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Michael Jackson Case.


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Anyone watching the trial against Conrad Murray? seams to me that his defense is doing him more harm that good, it has now been decided that it was not MJ who administered the fatal dose of whatever, surely Conrad is going down for this.

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Anyone watching the trial against Conrad Murray? seams to me that his defense is doing him more harm that good, it has now been decided that it was not MJ who administered the fatal dose of whatever, surely Conrad is going down for this.


Looking that way and that the fact that the USA has 1% of its population locked up at any given time, makes me think the odds are not looking good for the Doctor.


Don't feel to bad for him though, I am sure he was getting paid a big wedge for feeding the drug addict his "milk" and other prescription drugs during his employment by him.

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I am sure he was getting paid a big wedge for feeding the drug addict his "milk" and other prescription drugs during his employment by him.


By milk I assume you're talking about the propofol which is apparently what Jacko was using to help him sleep. As far as I know (and I don't have a BNF to hand to confirm, but I'm fairly sure) propofol is an injection only drug. It's formulated in a lipid suspension so it looks exactly like milk. I have no idea what it would do if it were ingested rather than injected - possibly nothing if it's completely broken down by stomach acid, possibly have the same effect as downing a bottle of vodka in one go, without the hangover (as long as a friendly anaesthetist was there to keep you breathing while it had its effect so you didn't just die).

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