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Spanish Catholic Church - Stealing Babies


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Spanish society has been shaken by allegations of the theft and trafficking of thousands of babies by nuns, priests and doctors, which started under Franco and continued up to the 1990s.


The scandal is closely linked to the Catholic Church, which under Franco assumed a prominent role in Spain's social services including hospitals, schools and children's homes.

Nuns and priests compiled waiting lists of would-be adoptive parents, while doctors were said to have lied to mothers about the fate of their children.



Just when you think the Paedo Protection Service Catholic Church couldn't get any lower, it has.

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Could have been worse. They could have turned a blind eye to systematic and widespread child abuse by priests, bishops and nuns. Oh wait...


Nothing the Catholic Church does surprises me any-more.

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Not all that much different to what Barnadoes and countless, mainly church inspired, adoption agencies in the UK got up to right up until the 1970's


And still do today, only they now have social services on board as well, and the secretive, Orwellian-titled 'family courts' to rubber stamp it all and keep it away from prying eyes. The whole system is sick to the core and needs ripping apart.

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I know from my birth mother, who I traced when I was aged 50, that I was removed when she was out, for a few minutes shopping, of the mother and baby home she had gone to to have me away from her family and her local community, to avoid shame. She was 18, on her own, and had been pressured to sign papers before I was born. At leas she was not told I had died as some were.


However the comment about the present day is in my opinion misguided and wrong. Few children are adopted, even although many could benefit, the rights of the child are paramount, not those of the birth or prospective adopters and there is always the chance that one party or other will disagree with recommendations or decisions, in view of the strong emotions involved in deciding a very difficult question.


Not sure why Orwellian is applied to the nomenclature, it has to be better than the old "bastardy jurisdiction"? I have appeared in Family courts, including adoption cases, the court has never rubber stamped anything.There is a very thoughtful and insightful adoption case just published on the IOM Courts judgments web site showing the attempts made at balance on a question of open adoption and the provision of regular letters or photos by the adopters to the birth parents.


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Orwellian-titled 'family courts' to rubber stamp it all and keep it away from prying eyes. The whole system is sick to the core and needs ripping apart.

Talking about George Orwell, after having cheese on toast for supper the other night, I had the strangest dream about George Formby world. The Formbellian world was horrible - all government communications and instructions were done via a giant Ukulele, and they had a ministry of 'Turned out nice again!', and the Ministries of 'Eeh, champion!' and 'Eeh, isn't it grand!'. I woke up in the middle of the night screaming - 'Mother!'.


On the plus side, in the dream I won the local clog dancing championship, but on waking found I had kicked the missus out of bed.

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Not all that much different to what Barnadoes and countless, mainly church inspired, adoption agencies in the UK got up to right up until the 1970's


Or sent out to Australia. Have you seen the new film 'Sunshine and Oranges'?


I remember there was a documentary about that on TV a few years back.


Terrible things used to go on in the past.


My first job, back in the 80's, was working in the gardens of a mental health hospital. And the stories of people in there were horrific.


It seems almost everything was brushed under the carpet up to the 70's. And maybe even later.


I remember the story of one woman in particular. Maybe in her late 30's, early 40's at that time. Her mental illness was that she come across as a nymphomaniac.


But how she came to be like that was the horrendous part. Turns out she was brought up by an Army barracks, and her father used to "sell" her to the soldiers when she was a little girl. When the authorities discovered this, they committed her to a mental asylum for life. Talk about sweeping her under the carpet.


Then there was the guy in the 60's who spent his life in the hospital... because he was born with a club foot.


There was a guy in his late 40's who had set a house on fire as a teenager...


That hospital was state run. Nothing to do with the Catholic Church.

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