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Hit And Run Toddler In China Dies


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I watched it. I wish I hadn't. It made me wretch and I feel like shit. But now I have, I have held my children closer than ever to me. I have thanked my lucky stars I have them. And it is a reminder to me that they are the best thing that has ever happened to me. RIP baby girl.


I have edited my OP now to suggest not watching it. Although the BBC version is heavily edited. I don'y know if there are unedited versions on the internet, but I would not want to watch them.


I think the answer Aquarius gives is very important. Because although there has been a big outcry in China, not many people have said what Aquarius said, that is, "keep your kids closer".


It never stops amazing me in China to see babies sandwiched between adults on motorbikes and push bikes. Mothers hold their babies on their laps in car front seats without seatbelts. A few weeks ago I saw a toddler ( maybe 2 years old) playing by a fish pond while the adults all had their back to it as they played cards.


So I don't think what was seen in the video would happen in the island ( only in the case of a toddler being injured tho). Simply because we would not let our two year old wander off for 20 minutes without panicking.

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I watched it. I wish I hadn't. It made me wretch and I feel like shit. But now I have, I have held my children closer than ever to me. I have

thanked my lucky stars I have them. And it is a reminder to me that they are the best thing that has ever happened to me. RIP baby girl.



I have edited my OP now to suggest not watching it. Although the BBC version is heavily edited. I don'y know if there are unedited versions on the internet, but I would not want to

watch them.


I think the answer Aquarius gives is very important. Because although there has been a big outcry in China, not many people have said what Aquarius said, that is, "keep your kids closer".


It never stops amazing me in China to see babies sandwiched between adults on motorbikes and push bikes. Mothers hold their babies on their laps in car front seats without seatbelts. A few weeks ago I saw a toddler ( maybe 2 years old) playing by a fish pond while the adults all had their back to it as they played cards.


So I don't think what was seen in the video would happen in the island ( only in the case of

a toddler being injured tho). Simply because we would not let our two year old wander off for 20 minutes without panicking.


Thing is, if this childs parents have a stall in a marketplace, it is likely that this baby has grown up amongst the other stall holders and as part of the community and it's possible that usually everyone looks out for each other. I would not allow either of my young children to wander out of my sight and have been accused on ocassion of maybe being too over protective but that's within OUR culture. It may be the norm in THAT culture and community to watch out for each others children. However, on this ocassion, no one was looking out for the little mite. We don't know - maybe her mother was looking for her. People stepped over the broken bloodied body of a baby - did they even realise what the bundle on the floor was? I gather my children close because I subscribe to the belief that since their birth it is my responsibility to know where they are at this age. And when they are left with someone, it is with reluctance, and only for the time necessary, and with a specific person. There is a sociological phenomena called By-stander apathy. This is an explanation of what may have lead to people passing by but I would love to interview those who ignored to hear what they have to say now. Whatever explanations or reasons are offered here, a baby was left, broken, alone, probably in unimaginable pain until someone bothered to step in and help. An indelible picture is etched on my brain and on my heart.

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