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Eu Referendum

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Isn't it strange how conspiracy theory nutters always put up "evidence" that comes from other conspiracy theory nutters?


It's almost like a conspiracy...


Isn't it strange how conspiracy theory nutters always put up "evidence" that comes from other conspiracy theory nutters?


It's almost like a conspiracy...


Intelligent comments as usual P.K. You never fail to disappoint.


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conspiracy theory


I have been guilty of this in the past but have now come to understand that to dismiss a perspective as a conspiracy theory is both lazy and unintelligent. It is an ignorant and rather meaningless put down - and a dismissal which can be (and lately often is) applied to almost anything which someone else disagrees with.


Almost everyone believes something which someone else could describe as a "conspiracy theory".

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Nonsense. It's NEVER lazy and unintelligent to dismiss a conspiracy theory put about by a conspiracy theory nutter.


If you have sufficient intelligence you'll realise it's actually a very sane and rational thing to do.




Elvis was kidnapped by aliens - discuss. (But without me...)

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Whilst I would be one of the first to agree that there should have been a referendum on Europe years ago, it is certainly the wrong time for one now IMO. The great media led British unwashed would probably vote for withdrawal at this stage, though unfortunately I fear this would all be based on: little general understanding of how their economy works; how reliant the UK economy actually is on Europe; xenophobia; and the illusion that isolation and protectionism 'would see the UK right'.

But what difference would it make some years down the line in terms of the education of the people as to whether they wish to stay in the EU or not?


And why bother having a referendum at all or even having people participating at all in any political matter if you are concerned about the people making decisions that are disagreeable based on the fact that they have been misled or are uneducated?


I don't think you would want that, so what is to be done about educating the public, as surely you'd think there is no point having a referendum otherwise.

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Nonsense. It's NEVER lazy and unintelligent to dismiss a conspiracy theory put about by a conspiracy theory nutter.


IIRC you believed in WMD. Which could perfectly reasonably be described as a "conspiracy theory" put about by nutters.

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Most official government versions of events fit the description of a conspiracy theory... meaning they do not stand up to scrutiny, have a distinct lack of evidence and are getting more extreme to believe to most sane people who practice some degree of critical thought.

The days when anything that differed from government propaganda is automatically a conspiracy theory are long gone, thanks to the increase of accessible information and the internet.

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