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Fascism Returns


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After speaking with friends who live in the US they are now planning on emigrating due to situation there which is deteriorating fast, and what you won't hear/read about in the mainstream media.


The TSA (Transportation Security Administration) have now expanded their remit of indecently groping passengers at airports and have now announced that in Tennessee they are now planning on having checkpoints on interstate highways to stop and search random vehicles and the occupants, lest they might be 'terrorists'.


This is on the back of Florida announcing they would be starting to implement checkpoints at train/bus stations and truck stops accompanied by sniffer dogs, again for the same reasons (quite how a dog can spot a threat to national security I don't know).


All visitors to NFL stadiums are also now subject to airline security and invasive patdowns, just for the crime of watching a sporting match.


Random security checkpoints, perpetual paranoia about terrorists around every corner, a rogue government that is pressing citizens to spy on each other and report their activities to authorities (see the new Wal Mart video screens at the checkouts) -- these are all protocols that took effect in Nazi Germany during the rise of Hitler, and they are all protocols that are now in effect in the US today. Think about it.


Could it happen here too??

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Think about it.


I've thought about it. It's paranoid bollocks.


Happy to Help!


Ps - your conspiracy theory nutter friends who live in the US, are they emigrating BACK to Mexico by chance?

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It was put to me a few years ago that the US was putting up the "New Iron Curtain". The difference being that this ireon curtain is to keep people out of the country rather than the USSR iron curtain which was to keep people in.


With the subsequent introduction of full body scans, random pat downs and (IIRC) 1 is 20 non US citizens is now selected for interview upon entry to USA, it seems to be coming true.

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It was put to me a few years ago that the US was putting up the "New Iron Curtain". The difference being that this ireon curtain is to keep people out of the country rather than the USSR iron curtain which was to keep people in.

The best way of course to not having to do that is to keep your beak out of other people's countries.

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It was put to me a few years ago that the US was putting up the "New Iron Curtain". The difference being that this ireon curtain is to keep people out of the country rather than the USSR iron curtain which was to keep people in.


With the subsequent introduction of full body scans, random pat downs and (IIRC) 1 is 20 non US citizens is now selected for interview upon entry to USA, it seems to be coming true.


It appears so. Just to go to the US for a holiday now means having to go online and fill out your 'application' to get authority to even enter the country.


Obviously people will have their own views of what is going on (if anything) but one thing that is indisputable is that it is rapidly and overtly turning into a police state, as outlined above, and it is moving at pace now. The question is will the UK follow suit?

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Trouble is there's no reds under the bed anymore.


Which is why they need to keep hyping the islamist threat, they need an enemy to keep the charade going....and by bullying the rest of the world and raping it's natural resources there will always be a constant hatred of it from aggrieved parties.

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Paging Paul-D to this one.


It's all to do with the patriot act is it not.


Remember the recent riots in the UK?


Many politicians called for the state to have the power to suspend social networks/ SMS services over that.


I think too many Governments have forgotten they are allowed to govern by consent... not by Divine right.

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Paging Paul-D to this one.


It's all to do with the patriot act is it not.


Remember the recent riots in the UK?


Many politicians called for the state to have the power to suspend social networks/ SMS services over that.


I think too many Governments have forgotten they are allowed to govern by consent... not by Divine right.


The 'riots' that stopped almost as soon as they started?? Very convenient.

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Paging Paul-D to this one.


It's all to do with the patriot act is it not.


Remember the recent riots in the UK?


Many politicians called for the state to have the power to suspend social networks/ SMS services over that.


I think too many Governments have forgotten they are allowed to govern by consent... not by Divine right.


The 'riots' that stopped almost as soon as they started?? Very convenient.


Bugger... I really do need a thicker tin hat.


Anyone know where to buy 14 SWG aluminium plate?

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The difference being that this iron curtain is to keep people out


For now. Ultimately though you either have freedom or not freedom. Freedom means open borders - the free movement of capital, trade, ideas, people etc. Everything else is not freedom.


The best way of course to not having to do that is to keep your beak out of other people's countries.


Countries are made up. All borders are bogus.




Anyone know where to buy 14 SWG aluminium plate?


They will make you take it off before you go through the compulsory body scanners - which years later will probably turn out to be dangerous.

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The question is will the UK follow suit?


Been through Liverpool airport recently? We're (in part) already there.


Yep, travel through often. Seriously how many 'security' personnel do they need at one of those baggage scanners?? They're over-staffed, they've obviously all been trained not to smile or engage in any smalltalk and they've changed the uniforms recently to resemble a more military style look. It's so obvious what the agenda is as you walk through but people are none the wiser as they just trot up, give away their liberties and any self respect to get mauled and scanned like a criminal....all just to get on a plane.

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