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Fascism Returns


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They will make you take it off before you go through the compulsory body scanners - which years later will probably turn out to be dangerous.


Not so far fetched as it would seem.


When you consider that the son of the current Chairman of China runs the biggest security scanner company in the world.


It's worth a google.


I cant provide links because I am behind the great fire wall.


It's the most censored subject in China. Absolutely completely banned.


Go on... google it... then order a thick tin hat :-)

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They will make you take it off before you go through the compulsory body scanners - which years later will probably turn out to be dangerous.


Not so far fetched as it would seem.


When you consider that the son of the current Chairman of China runs the biggest security scanner company in the world.


It's worth a google.


I cant provide links because I am behind the great fire wall.


It's the most censored subject in China. Absolutely completely banned.


Go on... google it... then order a thick tin hat :-)


Tis true.



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They will make you take it off before you go through the compulsory body scanners - which years later will probably turn out to be dangerous.


Not so far fetched as it would seem.


When you consider that the son of the current Chairman of China runs the biggest security scanner company in the world.


It's worth a google.


I cant provide links because I am behind the great fire wall.


It's the most censored subject in China. Absolutely completely banned.


Go on... google it... then order a thick tin hat :-)


The great fire wall of china?

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After speaking with friends who live in the US they are now planning on emigrating due to situation there which is deteriorating fast, and what you won't hear/read about in the mainstream media...


Could it happen here too??

Why do you use the term 'fascism'? Is it simply because of the similarities with Nazi Germany in implementing such policies?
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Dear oh dear oh dear oh dear. I really wasn't going to bother because it's simply not worth it. But sometimes pointing out the obvious is all that's required.


Firstly "Care in the Community" clearly isn't working.


Secondly for example take this load of nonsense:



Just to go to the US for a holiday now means having to go online and fill out your 'application' to get authority to even enter the country.


I've worked extensively in the US over the last 25 years and so I have a Multiple/Indefinite visa. Now for as long as I've been going there folks have always needed to apply for one. There was a period of a few years where thanks to better information systems you basically had to fill out the visa application on the flight and it was processed on point of entry. If you had any drug convictions the chances were that you were refused entry. Nearly as bad as the Beagle Patrol (Protecting US Agriculture) finding sausages in your hold luggage. 9/11, hardly unsurprisingly, ended all that.


Now according to Lxxx and his conspiracy nutter mates this situation normal where you have to get permission to enter a foreign state is somehow part of a grand evil scheme to keep people out of the US of A. Tell you what then Lxxx, head down to the US / Mexico border. You'll find all the proof you need that not only is it a grand and totally evil conspiracy to help keep illegals out of the country but the authorities are actually putting it into operation in plain and open view! Some neck or what!


Security at places like airports are not infringements of personal liberty but rather to reassure the less brave. If there was NO airport security there would be more than one squeaky bottom and sales would go over a cliff. The same could be said for any place where you get large gatherings of people i.e. the security is not just plain sensible but marketable as well.


Of course, the conspiracy theory nutters all claim that this caution is deliberately generated to boost sales of kit and so on. If only the same conspiracy theory nutters could guarantee that if there were no security measures there would be no Al Qaida either. But, of course, the only thing they can guarantee is their own paranoia....


You know Lxxx most of us live in a place called Reality Land. I was going to say it's a shame you don't live there too but as I DO live there in retrospect I think I'm rather glad you don't...

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I've worked extensively in the US over the last 25 years and so I have a Multiple/Indefinite visa. Now for as long as I've been going there folks have always needed to apply for one.

I think you're confusing various types of visas. What Lxxx wrote is correct and now you pay $12 for the pivilege and you *must* confirm that you will be allowed in via an online form.


The only country in the world I am no longer prepared to visit is the US.

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Where I have issue is the very fact that there are border controls and immigration rules when people should be allowed to move freely.


There is no conspiracy. But there is a system in place where those who have control over the economy wish to have (and have got) the ability to move capital around easily and yet there are stricter and stricter regulations about the movement of labour.

The powers are ones that profess the wonders of capitalism but do not practice not and nor would they seriously want it applied.


The problem with the US-Mexican border and immigration is entirely the fault of the US government. I can't blame the Mexicans for going across the border and there is nothing wrong in them doing so.

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I've worked extensively in the US over the last 25 years and so I have a Multiple/Indefinite visa. Now for as long as I've been going there folks have always needed to apply for one.

I think you're confusing various types of visas. What Lxxx wrote is correct and now you pay $12 for the pivilege and you *must* confirm that you will be allowed in via an online form.


The only country in the world I am no longer prepared to visit is the US.


Correct. There's no conspiracy about what hoop you have to jump through to now just set foot on US soil, it's there in black and white. I had to go through it myself a few months ago.


Although having had to undergo this I am now in total agreement with your second comment.

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