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I've worked extensively in the US over the last 25 years and so I have a Multiple/Indefinite visa. Now for as long as I've been going there folks have always needed to apply for one.


I think you're confusing various types of visas. What Lxxx wrote is correct and now you pay $12 for the pivilege and you *must* confirm that you will be allowed in via an online form.


The only country in the world I am no longer prepared to visit is the US.


So you'll happily visit Iran then? Are you a Johnny Depp fan? If so Somalia should be on your "must go" list as well. Then there'a always Helmand for the adventurous and those interested in gardening. Chechnya is good for xmas bargains I hear, please let us know...


As far as I'm aware you've always needed a visa of sorts for the US. They always cost as well. Although I think the one I paid the most for was India. But to try and dress up the normal situation where you need prior permission to visit a foreign state as some kind of creeping evil movement could only be dreamt up by someone way, way, way detached from reality.


Step forward Lxxx....

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I've worked extensively in the US over the last 25 years and so I have a Multiple/Indefinite visa. Now for as long as I've been going there folks have always needed to apply for one.


I think you're confusing various types of visas. What Lxxx wrote is correct and now you pay $12 for the pivilege and you *must* confirm that you will be allowed in via an online form.


The only country in the world I am no longer prepared to visit is the US.


So you'll happily visit Iran then? Are you a Johnny Depp fan? If so Somalia should be on your "must go" list as well. Then there'a always Helmand for the adventurous and those interested in gardening. Chechnya is good for xmas bargains I hear, please let us know...


As far as I'm aware you've always needed a visa of sorts for the US. They always cost as well. Although I think the one I paid the most for was India. But to try and dress up the normal situation where you need prior permission to visit a foreign state as some kind of creeping evil movement could only be dreamt up by someone way, way, way detached from reality.


Step forward Lxxx....


You really should try and be more imaginative in your posts, labelling someone with different views to yourself as a 'conspiracy theorist' over and over again is just lazy and makes yourself look silly. But if it makes you feel better crack on, I've not got a problem with it.

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As far as I'm aware you've always needed a visa of sorts for the US. They always cost as well. Although I think the one I paid the most for was India. But to try and dress up the normal situation where you need prior permission to visit a foreign state as some kind of creeping evil movement could only be dreamt up by someone way, way, way detached from reality.

British passport holders could just fill in VISA forms on the plane, no charge. This changed a few years ago.


Remember Phil Gawne not being allowed in? He filled in the forms on the 'plane but they checked him at passport control and one ex-arsonist was not allowed to enter the US.

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British passport holders could just fill in VISA forms on the plane, no charge. This changed a few years ago.


Remember Phil Gawne not being allowed in? He filled in the forms on the 'plane but they checked him at passport control and one ex-arsonist was not allowed to enter the US.


Exactly as I posted earlier. One of our guys had a dope conviction. Transit lounge and gone. The business was a little less than impressed. Especially with the bill...

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You really should try and be more imaginative in your posts, labelling someone with different views to yourself as a 'conspiracy theorist' over and over again is just lazy and makes yourself look silly. But if it makes you feel better crack on, I've not got a problem with it.


Well, when it comes to "Imagination" I have to admit I pale into insignificance when compared to your good self and similar. I guess it's my own fault for staying rooted firmly in the real world.


However, in the interests of accuracy, I feel I should point out that I quite rightly referred to you as a "conspiracy theory nutter" rather than a "conspiracy theorist."


Happy to Help!


PS - I don't suppose you know if those aliens are going to return Elvis anytime soon? You see my missus was a big fan...


ETA : Those aliens will have to have mastered time travel, otherwise Elvis will be a disappointing 86.

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So you'll happily visit Iran then? Are you a Johnny Depp fan? If so Somalia should be on your "must go" list as well. Then there'a always Helmand for the adventurous and those interested in gardening. Chechnya is good for xmas bargains I hear, please let us know...

Not jjust saying it to be cussid but I'd love to visit Iran. Tehran looks like a very interesting place to go to. And as for Somalia, Somliland (the north-western state/area) is starting to attract tourists. It is nothing like the south.
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I fail to see the problem in applying for an ESTA , when my current one runs out I will have to pay $14 to obtain a new one. $4 admin fee and $10 for tourism seems a reasonable price, it's hardly going to break the bank. I've never had a problem with Immigration Officers they have always be polite and efficient.


The USA is not the only country that requires an Electronic Application for a Visa or Entry.


Perhaps the Isle of MAn should introduce a similar system for the TT, then the TT fans could contribute towards the running costs.

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You really should try and be more imaginative in your posts, labelling someone with different views to yourself as a 'conspiracy theorist' over and over again is just lazy and makes yourself look silly. But if it makes you feel better crack on, I've not got a problem with it.


But what happens when several people start calling you a "conspiracy theorist" nutter?


Isn't that called a trend?

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The USA is not the only country that requires an Electronic Application for a Visa or Entry.


Perhaps the Isle of MAn should introduce a similar system for the TT, then the TT fans could contribute towards the running costs.

Or get rid of the system. That's the cheaper option.


The US introduced this thing in the wake of 9/11 as a supposed counter to terrorism. Doesn't make much sense when a good deal of the problem of anti-US is caused by the US State and when the US State puts its people in danger. I can only assume it is some step to register incoming people for economy purposes surrounding work and also to monitor movement of people for control purposes.

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The TSA (Transportation Security Administration) have now expanded their remit of indecently groping passengers at airports and have now announced that in Tennessee they are now planning on having checkpoints on interstate highways to stop and search random vehicles and the occupants, lest they might be 'terrorists'.


the same im germany...its a kind of war...


for example: the german gouverment installs viruses(trojans) on the pc's and sniffs the connections and the traffic....and the trojan makes hardcopies of the screen and sends it (via server in usa) to the german secret service.....

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The TSA (Transportation Security Administration) have now expanded their remit of indecently groping passengers at airports and have now announced that in Tennessee they are now planning on having checkpoints on interstate highways to stop and search random vehicles and the occupants, lest they might be 'terrorists'.


the same im germany...its a kind of war...


for example: the german gouverment installs viruses(trojans) on the pc's and sniffs the connections and the traffic....and the trojan makes hardcopies of the screen and sends it (via server in usa) to the german secret service.....


1. Proof???


2. See this is what happens when you allow conspiracy nutters in. First PaulD, then Lexx, and now this loon. Breed faster than E-Coli the buggers.

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You really should try and be more imaginative in your posts, labelling someone with different views to yourself as a 'conspiracy theorist' over and over again is just lazy and makes yourself look silly. But if it makes you feel better crack on, I've not got a problem with it.


But what happens when several people start calling you a "conspiracy theorist" nutter?


Isn't that called a trend?


It can be called anything you want to call it. Doesn't make a blind bit of difference to what's going on in the world does it?

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The TSA (Transportation Security Administration) have now expanded their remit of indecently groping passengers at airports and have now announced that in Tennessee they are now planning on having checkpoints on interstate highways to stop and search random vehicles and the occupants, lest they might be 'terrorists'.


the same im germany...its a kind of war...


for example: the german gouverment installs viruses(trojans) on the pc's and sniffs the connections and the traffic....and the trojan makes hardcopies of the screen and sends it (via server in usa) to the german secret service.....


1. Proof???


2. See this is what happens when you allow conspiracy nutters in. First PaulD, then Lexx, and now this loon. Breed faster than E-Coli the buggers.


sorry--i am from germany (bavaria) thumbsup.gif


"Berlin - Officials in the southern German state of Bavaria Monday confirmed that their agencies were the ones that had made use of a controversial spyware programme that has created an uproar across the country since the weekend.


The allegations, brought up over the weekend by the Chaos Computer Club, an organization of hackers, have left officials trying to figure out who would have authorized software that not only gathers transmitted data, but opens a back door to let investigators install further spyware on an unsuspecting computer. etc etc




thats not ok...not all german are terrorists....

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