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Fascism Returns


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An interesting perspective on the imminent demise of the U.S.

A bigger problem for us is the erosion of democracy in Europe - Germany seems well on the way to establishing the Fourth Reich! I suspect that the future will see a considerable amount of aggro between UK and Germany. How the peoples of Southern Europe will react is another matter of concern. With Europe seemingly heading for the knacker's yard the US still looks the best bet.

Crap. the UK has a worse approach, stay away from the US, a country in a serious state of denial.

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The US can't even agree a budget and is turning into a very unpleasant country. Given a Europe driven and governed by Germany or the US governed by the big disappointment aka Obama - I'll take Europe please.

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Crap. the UK has a worse approach, stay away from the US, a country in a serious state of denial.

With respect, it is not crap at all. The US may well be in a state of denial but Europe is in the same state. At least the US has resources which Europe doesn't plus an entrepreneurial ethos and pole position when it comes to Latin/South America. I am not saying the US will have a brilliant time of it, just that it will fare better than Europe.

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GD4ELI - I'm sorry, but I think you have something of a Pollyanna attitude to a German Hegemony over Europe. How do you think that people around the Med will take to having their government coming out of Berlin? And even Germany can't magic up resources out of nothing. As for budgets, just how likely is it that the various nations of the Eurozone will agree on budgets? Europe is a slow motion car crash and nothing that is being done (and arguably nothing that can be done) is going to avert that.

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sort of thing is the closest I can get to relating to Lxxx's world.







Not quite sure about what you mean by 'Lxxx's world', little bit patronising but we'll let it slide.


Anyway, don't quite agree with Chris Martenson's rationale and arguments in that clip as they sound like someone who has bought into the energy propaganda designed to nudge the public's perception down a certain route i.e. peak oil theory, however I do agree with the general direction of where we are heading and the changing times ahead.

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Perhaps not strictly fascism - but the bogus war against terrorism and the global drift toward corporatism in govt and even unelected govt (in European countries) definitely brings up stuff which some people would note has much in common with the methods of fascism.


1. Jon Stewart on Obama backing indefinite detention without trial for US nationals


2. Senator Paul on indefinite detention of US nationals without trial.




3. More about indefinite detention etc

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only country in the world I am no longer prepared to visit is the US.


The US is fine, but as things stand now, there are major portions of Mexico that I would not voluntarily visit.


One of my nephews went to Mexico for Christmas. There are some parts of Mexico where things aren't so bad, but where he is now isn't one of them (assuming that he made it).


I would definitely avoid North Korea -- all of it.

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Liverpool Airport is the worst. I'm sure they trigger the metal detector randomly and they are over enthusiastic to say the least.


About 20 years ago, well before 9-11, I was in Los Angeles for a few days. When entering the airport to leave, their security screener spent a good 10 minutes going over me again and again with a hand held metal detector. He clearly failed to understand the concept of stainless steel suture.

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  • 3 months later...

@Lxxx - this is a follow up to your original post. Worth watching. LSS = the searches were never authorised and the agencies were outside of their remits. They were playing at being important G-men. They were supposed to have been giving out leaflets but decided to start pretending a bigger role. It's quite funny watching their spoke here trying to avoid giving a direct answer.


Here is the video.



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"The Supreme Court has ruled that jailers may subject people arrested for minor offenses to invasive strip searches, siding with security needs over privacy rights."




I will never, ever visit that godforsaken country again.

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