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How Sensitive, How Caring.


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Must be very upsetting to receive the letter, spending the time trying to establish why they are being asked for it, and it indicates that a serious mistake was made by the bureaucracy in the MOD, but it is a non-issue - a mistake has been admitted and the money is no longer being requested. Although these mistakes should never happen, they do seem to happen now and again with companies requesting funds when the person has died.

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The family are certainly getting their 15 minutes out of this. Not only us the Dad everywhere with his daft quote about "putting the great back into Britain". The Aunt was on the radio screaming about offensive language because the letter described the soldier's death as untimely.

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That's what I thought. Milking the media attention. I can understand though. They have lost their son and may feel it desirous to draw attention to his death for the sake of him remembered and for consideration of how they feel.


The media are just as much of a problem. If this sort of thing happens with most people then it gets a small mention in a national paper if someone kicks up a fuss. Whereas, if it involves someone who fought in Afghanistan then you're given the impression the matter should cause a shitstorm.


But the Dad does sound like a moron.

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