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I Am The 53%


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How amusing but depressing - 'We are the 53%'. It looks to be just one small website from a handful of people (conservative minded folk).

I suppose their comments are predictable though, as stupid as they are, a lot of people would agree with them. But it is the reaction of people who really don't grasp the basic issues which are being talked about and campaigned for.

It also looks to come from an misunderstanding that the Occupy groups think welfare and socialist policies are the answer to the problem, which is not the case. It doesn't look to be any organisation that seeks to just get the government to offer handouts and that's that.


There will be so many who will think like them though. These are the people who get shafted in life time and time again without complaint. Who kid themselves into thinking that spending their short life frittering their time away in two or more mindless jobs to reach the ultimate goal - ownership of a roof over one's head, is the be all and end all. They don't think about how little they have actually achieved for all that work. How small an involvement they have in their society.

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There will be so many who will think like them though. These are the people who get shafted in life time and time again without complaint. Who kid themselves into thinking that spending their short life frittering their time away in two or more mindless jobs to reach the ultimate goal - ownership of a roof over one's head, is the be all and end all. They don't think about how little they have actually achieved for all that work. How small an involvement they have in their society.


Ain't that the truth.

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It's just more and more divisions. Where do you stop? Do you seperate the working class from the 'underclass' and then call them the '10%'? I agree with LDV, I saw Michael Moore interviewed on the OWS protests and he was demanding an end to capitalism, while the hordes cheered him on. What a joke. These people are being herded down a road they think they are forging for themselves with these movements, when all the while they're being nudged along and used to further the socialist agenda, which is gathering apace.

The protests are a just cause in principle, but these people need to take a step back and have a think about where they are going with it and what views they are being manipulated to have as a result.

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They'd probably have more support if they had clear answers. I went to speak to the ones occupying Monument in Newcastle yesterday and they gave me a card with an "8 fold path for after capitalism" on it. It wasn't actually a directive and had contradictory points. As well as this it also promoted Communist values, but wanted no direct leadership or any kind of divisions in society. It also instructs us to oppose any body who support the current system, even in the sense of reforming it. I stopped thinking they had a point immediately. If they believe society needs to change then they need to protest outside of the guidelines of society because Marcuse had a point.

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In a communist society there are not supposed to be class divisions. And depending on the breed of communism, there can be a vanguard party who lead the workers to communism or there is no leading group.


And if you are anti-capitalist and wish to have a democratic society, your aims would be radical, not reformist. Ending capitalism is not going to be achieved by reform in parliaments nor is the bringing about of a democratic society.


You might disagree with their politics and think they cannot achieve what they want, but there is nothing confused or contradictory by those points. Unless I have misunderstood you, as I would presume you have a good understandings of these things if you know Marcuse.

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Communism has never existed on a large scale without a permanent group 'in charge'. There has been leaders and I can't say that there has ever been true freedom. At least not in a form that I've ever come across. I'm not talking about what 'should be' (that's a whole different discussion!) I'm talking about practicality here. In this way I find it to be very contradictory, they may hold communism up as a great free lifestyle, but it's daft to do so, any amount of study will demonstrate that that is very much not the best way to create free society. It's baffling how little they seemed to know about what they were advocating, I spoke to them about it for a while and they just seemed a bit unaware, which is a real shame.

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As I said, I'm not referring to pure communism, but what happens when it is implemented.

I'm aware that China and the Soviet Union were not truly Communist, however that was the principle they were based upon.

No form of government is currently what it says it is, democracy is very very very far from being democratic in most of the "Western world", but I do not think we would be better off with another attempt at Communist society.

I'm sorry if what I'm saying doesn't seem to make much sense, but as you say, despite attempts there hasn't been large scale Communism for a very long time (though of course it has worked well in small scale sections where everyone has agreed to live as such.)


"Any amount of study" may well be horrible phrasing on my part. I just mean that all the research I've put into attempts at Communism on a large scale with only partial consent has ended pretty negatively with Governments that was unable to feed their people, provide stability or avoid poverty. I may well be missing out on attempts, but countrywide I can't think of anywhere it has worked.

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