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Local Band To Make It Big Time?

Billy One Mate

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Dont know if many on here have heard a girl band called Twisted Angels. I have seen them a few times now and must admit I was impressed (but I do like the Punk/Rock sound). I would catergorize them as a mix between Busted/The Corrs/Avril Lavigne.

Anyway have found out that they recently went for a recording session at the Lodge in the UK and are about to release the EP and a single nationally. Word on the street is that they are about to be signed by a major player in the Industry.


They have a website Twisted Angels which dosent give much away. Anybody know anything??

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Yeah amy told me that theyu have been signed and the place that signed them are releasing the album in germany and they are going on tour kater this year with the dammed or sumthing any way well done twisted angels

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The girls have secured worldwide distribution for their forthcoming album.


Major players in the industry are excited about the band, and some major gigs are lined up.


And yes, there is a world tour at the end of the year with a legendary punk band.


watch this space

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tonight in the rovers (friday)



A great night. Apart from the selfishtw@t in the audience smoking a big cigar.


Well, I suppose he really enjoyed himself. I could taste his bad breath and spent tobacco in my mouth all the next morning. All my clothes stink and are in the wash as I hereby moan.


Nice gig though, girls.

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