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Mr Houghton And Manual Workers Debate


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Considering that Mr Houghton got voted in in an area which has a large proportion of manual workers the man is very obviously playing with fire by not even considering a pay increase which is in line with the basic rate of Manx inflation.

MHK 's vote themselves a nice little pay increase every now and then which would probably equate to more than inflation and would be considerably more in pure monetary terms than the rise an average manual worker would get in his pocket after a rise.

Those same people have continually dug this country out of the mess these Governmental muppets seem to bring on themselves and the public yet these manual workers are treated with contempt when they ask for a rise in line with inflation.

Mr Houghton should remember that it he himself is a member of a Governmental team that has cocked up rather badly and left the taxpayer to pay the bill. The MEA farce as lead to a huge debt and therefore the rate of inflation will go up because electricity bills go up.

If these same Government ministers would have been employed to run a company could you really imagine the outcome? Surely they would have bitten the dust by now?

Your comments please

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Considering that Mr Houghton got voted in in an area which has a large proportion of manual workers the man is very obviously playing with fire by not even considering a pay increase which is in line with the basic rate of Manx inflation.


We've discussed this on the board already. My view is that the ministers pay rise has nothing to do with this issue, two wrongs don't make a right. All government workers should get rises in line with the private sector to remain competative, and the private sector are definately not getting rises in line with inflation at the moment.


If there's other justification for a rise, lets hear it.


Not sure how the rest of the rant is relevant either?

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Just for information.  Anyone know how how Mr H voted on MHKs raise?


Mr Houghton voted for the 20% plus pay rise for Tynwald members and them being linked to senior civil service grades.


Following that his buddy Henderson accepted a ministry (agriculture) from Ned Flanders and the mega bucks that go with it.


I do not mind Tynwald members securing their financial package but to then deny the same thing to workers on the ground who keep the infrastructure going in storms etc, while thanking them with false platitudes is just two faced selfishness.


The people of Willaston have some hard questions to ask of this duo.


When they got first elected Houghton and Henderson did good but time in Tynwald tends to remove members from ground zero reality. They should go back to their roots or the folk will uproot them like we do weeds in the garden.


Bernie May (former MHK for Douglas North) learnt that lesson the hard way and was usurped by Henderson.


History may be about to repeat itself.

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I do not mind Tynwald members securing their financial package but to then deny the same thing to workers on the ground who keep the infrastructure going in storms etc, while thanking them with false platitudes is just two faced selfishness.


If my boss performs well, and I don't, is it two faced selfishness if he gets a bigger rise than me? The fact that someone else got a rise isn't justification.

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2 wrongs don't make a right I agree. However I do feel very aggieved that I have to voluntarily give up art of my measly wage to support the over inflated pay packets of some of these Governmental muppets. I am all for MHK's getting a pay rise so long as they are qualified to do the job. If they aren't and are just put there by default then they should give give the same % rise they vote to give themselves to those who do the all important work of ...saving lives,making sure roads are safe, support staff in education, etc etc

If you apply for a job in a company you should be qualified to do the job. How many of these MHK's would like to express their qualifications to do the job in hand?

Is Mr Bell an economist?

Does Mr Gelling hold any relevant qualification for management?

Did Mr Cretney hold any qualifications for Tourism and Leisure?


would they like to express their education?


The Island...my homeland... has been brought to its knees through bad management and through a lack of education of those in high places.

It needs a radical rethink

A man with qualifications in Law and management should be a leader or Chief Minister

Qualified professional economists should run the economy.

Highly Qualified Teachers should run education authorities

A surgeon or highly qualified Doctors should run Health services etc etc


Would you go to Mr Bell for a bit of financial advice ?

Would you go and see a chimney sweep about trade and industry?

Would you go to see an ex taxi busoiness owner for advice on a Health Service?


As for Mr May personally I think he made the right decisions for the hospital....however he was distracted and that led to neglect of the people who voted for him ...result ...he got virtually no backing when it came to vote time.


Mr Houghton.....well,ever heard the saying "Never bite the hand that feeds" ?


As for my rant...I am allowed to rant....I live in a free Country...your forefathers saw to that... A Hitler and his theory of World dominance and for us the killing of that absurd army through all means necessary......two wrongs don't make a right? mmmm let me think ...if that was the attitude 60 odd years ago you wouldn't have much freedom at all mate.

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Perhaps this is a side issue. But lots of the government trucks and crews seem to spend large parts of the autumn, spring and winter months parked up on obscure beach roads doing, apparently, nothing.


If they aren't doing anything else - couldn't these people be employed collecting rubbish off the beaches?

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..........I am all for MHK's getting a pay rise so long as they are qualified to do the job.......

While I agree with the thrust of your 'rant', just to clarify that these people in the Keys are all suitably qualified. Being, of course that the only thing necessary for qualification is that more people voted for them than anyone else.


Like it or not, if you believe in a Democracy (BTW, let's not start the whole un-democratic IOM thing again), but if you really believe in Democracy then you have to accept that the guy cleaning the streets has as much right to stand for election as the local advocate.


You are banging on about equality for manual workers and yet you also say that only lawyers, teachers, accountants and managers should hold public office?


Your message is somewhat confused.


And don't forget that, normally, the policy direction is more often than not provided by the proffessionals that you crave for. They are called Civil Servants.


Personally, I don't think that the actual salary package is that excessive for someone holding public office. However, I do agree that some of the present incumbents are not suited to hold such positions of responsibility.


However, the man on the street would have to think long and hard about standing. It's a thought which has crossed my mind on several occasions actually. But not just yet for me. Plus I don't fancy having to (basically) re-apply for my job every 5 years, at least not until my fecking mortgage is a bit less of a drain anyway......

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Does this mean that Mr Houghton may not be such a good bet for re-election?




In all honesty I think the people will re-elect him not for his attitude in pay but for his personality and what he has done for various people in the parish pump political situation.


After all he is a "nice man" syndrome.


Lets face it the Manx people in essence are as thick as crap when it comes to politics. As a result we now have the situation at present with a Government no one respects, but individual members of Tynwald who people think are nice.


I know I may be flamed for this statement but I think it true.


Lets take it further.


20 to 30 year olds, that includes our mod ans, who is not interested in politics locally(i do not blame him either). Will he and his age group vote? probably no.


30 to 50 year olds who show an interest but are tied down by family matters and have no time to take interest. They will not vote either.


50 upward people who in the main have the "nice man" syndrome disease and will vote for any idiot if they think he or she is just "nice".


It really makes me phuke.

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if you really believe in Democracy then you have to accept that the guy cleaning the streets has as much right to stand for election as the local advocate.



They are critised by the public (including me) for being out of touch with the 'man in the street' but critisized for being a former 'man on the street'*


No executive will stand for election unless they are crazy enough to take a pay cut and increase their personal hassle levels ten fold.


The only way to get a half decent standard of candidate being elected is for the public to take more interest in political life and demand better representation from their candidates.


*or woman

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