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New Evidence Of Water In Solar System


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Scientists studying the solar system say they have found the best evidence of water out there.

It is just beneath the surface of Jupiter's icy moon, Europa and liquid water could represent a potential habitat for for living organisms.


'All these worlds are yours, except Europa. Attempt no landing there.'

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Billions spent on finding water in the solar system - yet they mention 'icy' moons and 'giant lumps of ice and and rock' flying around the universe just waiting to crash into something.


Now - my school chemistry days are long gone - but - where there is ice - surely there has to be water - its the same stuff - just in a different state.
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Albert, it isn't old news. There's long been a theory that Europa was ice on top of water, but there's been little evidence to prove it. This new theory fits nicely and increases the likelyhood of near surface water, which is new news. It's nicely explained in Time's article:




Billions spent on finding water in the solar system - yet they mention 'icy' moons and 'giant lumps of ice and and rock' flying around the universe just waiting to crash into something.

Now - my school chemistry days are long gone - but - where there is ice - surely there has to be water - its the same stuff - just in a different state.


No, to have water you need heat, which there isn't a lot of as you get further away from the sun. The theory is the heat in Europa is being created by the distortions on Europa from Jupiters massive gravity.

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Billions spent on finding water in the solar system - yet they mention 'icy' moons and 'giant lumps of ice and and rock' flying around the universe just waiting to crash into something.


Now - my school chemistry days are long gone - but - where there is ice - surely there has to be water - its the same stuff - just in a different state.


As I understand it, the thinking is that liquid water = possible life.

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But you need heat and pressure. At zero pressure at room temp water boils away.


So - assuming you can get any heat sources to work at absolute zero - heating the ice will result in it boiling away instantly?


One would assume that if there is a pocket of 'ocean' under the ice, drilling down to it, therefore releasing the pressure built up under the ice sheet to keep it liquid, the boiling point lowers and the entire ice covering boils to nothing in a nano second.


oooh this is starting to make my head hurt now.


There is the option that every planet has water on it, or has had water on it in the past. The Sun is growing all the time. The Earth was once maybe, lets say, the 15th rock from the sun, cold and ice bound. As the sun grew, swallowing up the first few planets each one in turn in the Goldilocks zone warmed up and life began. As the sun grew bigger, the surface began to fry, boiling off the water and killing off life.


Soon it will be the earths time to dry up, and Mars will begin to warm. but seeing as we all would have been killed off by the million degree temps, hundreds of thousand of years earlier, we would not know anything about it. Manxforums in its 16th re-incarnation as 'Mars Manx forums' - thousands of years later may well be discussing this very same issue until, that is, Mars begins to warm, its water boils away, the sun swallows another planet in the solar system and Jupiter is now in the Goldilocks zone or one of its moons starts to warm up and ........

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But you need heat and pressure. At zero pressure at room temp water boils away.


So - assuming you can get any heat sources to work at absolute zero - heating the ice will result in it boiling away instantly?


One would assume that if there is a pocket of 'ocean' under the ice, drilling down to it, therefore releasing the pressure built up under the ice sheet to keep it liquid, the boiling point lowers and the entire ice covering boils to nothing in a nano second.


oooh this is starting to make my head hurt now.


There is the option that every planet has water on it, or has had water on it in the past. The Sun is growing all the time. The Earth was once maybe, lets say, the 15th rock from the sun, cold and ice bound. As the sun grew, swallowing up the first few planets each one in turn in the Goldilocks zone warmed up and life began. As the sun grew bigger, the surface began to fry, boiling off the water and killing off life.


Soon it will be the earths time to dry up, and Mars will begin to warm. but seeing as we all would have been killed off by the million degree temps, hundreds of thousand of years earlier, we would not know anything about it. Manxforums in its 16th re-incarnation as 'Mars Manx forums' - thousands of years later may well be discussing this very same issue until, that is, Mars begins to warm, its water boils away, the sun swallows another planet in the solar system and Jupiter is now in the Goldilocks zone or one of its moons starts to warm up and ........

You been eating cheese before going to bed again?

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Soon it will be the earths time to dry up, and Mars will begin to warm. but seeing as we all would have been killed off by the million degree temps, hundreds of thousand of years earlier, we would not know anything about it. Manxforums in its 16th re-incarnation as 'Mars Manx forums' - thousands of years later may well be discussing this very same issue until, that is, Mars begins to warm, its water boils away, the sun swallows another planet in the solar system and Jupiter is now in the Goldilocks zone or one of its moons starts to warm up and ........


Ka is a wheel.

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Manxforums in its 16th re-incarnation as 'Mars Manx forums' - thousands of years later may well be discussing this very same issue

No they won't! They'll be complaining about the dog muck in the Hellas Impact Basin (with a mention that you don't see any green dog turds any more) being unable to find a taxi home from the Arcadia Triangle on a Saturday night, and the ridiculous expense of crossing the Mare Tyrrhenum with the Steam Rocket Company.

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They'll be complaining about...the ridiculous expense of crossing the Mare Tyrrhenum with the Steam Rocket Company.

...and the USS Ben-My-Chree (NCC-1701) that never goes anywhere whenever there's a solar wind (and that's USS = Unserviceable Steam Ship and NCC = Never Cheap Commuting, average fare 1701 times your annual salary).

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Soon it will be the earths time to dry up, and Mars will begin to warm. but seeing as we all would have been killed off by the million degree temps, hundreds of thousand of years earlier, we would not know anything about it. Manxforums in its 16th re-incarnation as 'Mars Manx forums' - thousands of years later may well be discussing this very same issue until, that is, Mars begins to warm, its water boils away, the sun swallows another planet in the solar system and Jupiter is now in the Goldilocks zone or one of its moons starts to warm up and ........


Ka is a wheel.


Hile Gunslinger.

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