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New Evidence Of Water In Solar System


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Back down to earth again.

So what's the plan? Do a colony of one way miners or scientists whoosh off into outer space and attempt to colonise the planet and then what?

If life is sustainable, will the planet be of any use? What is it's function?


Slightly closer to home; NASA's lunar base project is reportedly on track and they say that it will be permanently manned by 2024. Is the IOM involved in any of this?

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Probably. The MEA are trying to secure the funds to build the first photo voltaic array on the dark side of the moon as we speak.


That's funny from a political/local news point of view, but for the astronomical pedants amongst us the joke doesn't work - the dark side of the moon ain't dark!

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Billions spent on finding water in the solar system - yet they mention 'icy' moons and 'giant lumps of ice and and rock' flying around the universe just waiting to crash into something.


Now - my school chemistry days are long gone - but - where there is ice - surely there has to be water - its the same stuff - just in a different state.


Ice can refer to frozen methane and ammonia, when referring to the 'icy moons of jupiter' or such-like. It doesn't have to be H2O.

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