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New World Order


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Seeing as we are going further down the road of the quite clearly ‘planned implosion’ of the world economy, I thought I’d post up a link to a thought provoking film I watched over the weekend.


It’s quite long, and a bit drawn out in places but was very interesting all the same. It covers multiple topics and will undoubtedly attract all the usual conspiracy, tin hat labels from the usual dickhead trolls that haunt these boards.


But for those that are interested to get a different slant on what’s happening to us all at the moment here’s the link.


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The movie has some big flaws. It just seems to be a movie that tries to cover all manner of problems with government and the economy but doesn't really deal in depth with anything. It doesn't tackle the 'why's' but just shows how things are. It is more a movie for the politically naive who have possibly just eaten up what is in the media and need a primer to recognising the problems in the country. But it could done this far better.


However, it is clear that the movie is really a pure-capitalist political propaganda piece. Lots of valid problems and issues are being discussed and the wrong conclusions being made about how things should be, i.e. nations states with little to no government where the people supposedly have sovereignty. It is not an anti-capitalist movie. Just like the Tea Party, it is full of contradictions and misunderstandings.


Is this Tea Party material?

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Next year is the climax of the solar storms and when the solar flares hit earth and knock out all electronics and wipe out all the information held electronically money will be worthless.So stock up on Spam,baked beans and tinned peaches and wait for the end of the world on 21st December 2012.

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Next year is the climax of the solar storms and when the solar flares hit earth and knock out all electronics and wipe out all the information held electronically money will be worthless.So stock up on Spam,baked beans and tinned peaches and wait for the end of the world on 21st December 2012.


Guess who'se house I will be raiding come the apocolypse....

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Next year is the climax of the solar storms and when the solar flares hit earth and knock out all electronics and wipe out all the information held electronically money will be worthless.So stock up on Spam,baked beans and tinned peaches and wait for the end of the world on 21st December 2012.




That's an interesting claim as you'll, undoubtedly, know solar storm (sunspot) activity tends to run on an eleven years, or so, cycle. Currently we've been in a solar low (storms) for about 18 months. During this year (2011) it was thought that sunspot activity would increase markedly. Whilst there has been some increase this year, the upsurge in activity has been nothing like the level predicted. There's been more in 2011 than 2010, given 2010 was an exceptional year for the lack of sunspots, 2011 was starting from a pretty low baseline.


Not sure from where you get your information but, with the greatest respect, may I say that it's wrong.

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Apropos the sun spot cycle - its not performing THAT unusually. It took a bit of time to get going but is now pretty much a standard cycle. With the slow start its annoyingly got out of sync with the Hollywood publicity for "2012" and the Mayan calendar, but what the heck do those two things have to do with reality!



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So stock up on Spam,baked beans and tinned peaches and wait for the end of the world on 21st December 2012.

Spam, baked beans and tinned peaches sound a good investment - was that what Lehman Bros were buying into in 2008?

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Can't be bothered watching something at 2 hours long, but I can imagine the gist of it.


You don't have to be a fully paid up member of the tin hat brigade to know that there is something afoot at the moment which doesn't bode well for the likes of the common man on the street. The financial implosion of the world economy (whether you believe it was instigated or whether it's just an unfortunate circumstance of profligate monetary policies) is fast upon us and will affect us all in ways that are as yet unclear. What is clear though is that they can either not print any further currency and send us into a depression, or they can attempt to print there way out of it and risk hyperinflation, either option results in tough times for the little people.

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