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New World Order


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Putin to Western elites: Play-time is over.


"The builders of the New World Order have failed, having built a sand castle. Whether or not a new world order of any sort is to be built is not just Russia's decision, but it is a decision that will not be made without Russia."



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David Icke is not saying the moon isn't real, he's saying it's artificial -- a big difference. And if you look into his broader claims, he says physical reality is an illusion like the matrix so what you say would be right if you said physical reality and didn't reduce it to just the moon.

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David icke has his own idea of truth, I respect his ideas and views like I do of most people and I never dismiss anyone's view of life.


I personally have been reading about this new world for a while and I personally think that it would never work because the human race are far to egotistical to be able to think as one for too long.


Putin I think is a real leader, he actually thinks more than being advised.


The next couple of years are going to be interesting as America becomes less and less of a economic super power

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But will it become less of a military power?


I'm really surprised they're not piling weapons into the Ukraine


But then there's probably some sort of backroom deal going on with the Putineskas


Read Emmanuel Todd's After the Empire: The Breakdown of the American Order for a pretty good explanation of where things are headed.


Todd examines the fundamental weaknesses of the US to conclude that, contrary to American conventional wisdom, America is fast losing its grip on the world stage in economic, military and ideological terms. Notably, the book ostensibly received a favorable recommendation from Usama bin Ladin in his 2007 address, though Todd was left unnamed, unlike other recommended authors in the videotape.


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James Corbett takes a look at how China merges in to the New World Order, not so much a Grand Chessboard but a 3D Chessboard.


Show links: http://www.corbettreport.com/episode-297-china-and-the-new-world-order/


China and the New World Order.


Yes, people need to stop viewing things as "America" versus "China". There is no America. There is no China. What we have are international elites who control nation states and use them as pawn. Through China, they're facilitating the deindustrialisation of the west, which is being done to transfer power from democratic nations who have developed individual/human rights and handing it over to China which they can more easily control because it lacks the democratic accountabillity or the individual/human rights of the western nations. They also use corporations and promote privatisation as another way to transfer power from democratic institutions. It's all about giving power to themselves so they can totally control us.

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Got to agree with you there, these people don't care about countries or cultures it all about control.


Margret thatcher started the rot with turning the UK into a services provider, we did make things, now we just import from china.


The neocons are the main problem, most humans just want to live and let live, its the 1% that love to dumb down the 99%

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