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Isle Of Man Newspapers

Dave Hedgehog

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The first copy of a new title has just come out down south and seen of the opposition already. With regard to Public Notices, which by law have to be published in the press some of the smart accountants and the like used to publish them in the IoM Church Times or what ever it is called,for a fraction of the cost, as it is a registered newspaper.

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Should have stayed in Ramsey...

BTW - for those who don't know, the Ramsey Courier was printed at the back of this building. When I was at Albert Road in the 60's it was still printed there.

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If they do move the printing, will the quality of the tpyesteting improve?


The typesetting was moved to the UK a few years ago.


Such a shame that the Gov aint lobbied JP to get some regions printed on the Island and then shipped across.


How will they lobby them? I doubt JP are too worried about their IOM arm of the business, it's probably not a money spinner. Why would other regions accept the quality of the IOM newsprint or pay for shipping? The local papers are more often than not out of register and most colour work is blurred. The advertisers will welcome clear, readable adverts from some better presses. That's whats important to JP, advertising revenue.

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I think it's 'Branch' but it's not easy to be sure even with the original 15MB image on a 30" monitor. I have done a lot of restoration work but there is still more to do. The signs above the door advertise 'Manchester Courier' and 'Manchester Guardian'. As near as I can tell it must be early 1900s. The Manchester Courier stopped publication in 1916 but the sign could have been left up for some time after that.

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You may be joking Grumpy but you get more news and fact on this forum than u ever do from the papers, or Manx Radio, it was on the forum I found out the Onchan election results, Manx Radio didnt know, or care even after 11.o.clock when the results were out a 10.p.m.I know a lot of people do not find election results riveting but I just use this as an example.

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It does seem the viability of Isle of Man Newspapers is increasingly in doubt. There have been reductions in staff already, the papers are thinner than ever, presumably due to the fall in advertising, they have already shifted the bulk of sub-editing off-Island, now they are moving the printing off-Island. The next step will be to get rid of that huge building, most of which will be empty once the press is closed.

Perhaps it would be better if Johnston cut its losses and closed the operation down now.


What sub-editing is off-Island?

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circulating library I think

ETA - W Cubbon in his bibliography 1933+1939 covers history of Manx Newspapers - the work is some 1500pages and I'm mid way in putting it online - however as special treat the section dealing with Ramsey papers is at http://www.manxnotebook.com/books/cubbon/p1374.htm

some minor corrects, reformatting + addition of photos of mastheads to be done

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None of these so called "MANX NEWSPAPER'S" really contain any new's as such anyway,so why not just stop purchasing them!

The editorial staff are obviously in Governments pocket,as indeed are" MANX Radio" and as such I would expect said government to reduce the massive sums they contribute to Johnson Press, by way of advertising et'c, accordingly.

Shop Local is our Gov't Mantra i s it not?

Our land of milk and honey is F***ED.

1 month in, and already they are making the same mistakes all over again,consultants, et'c,secure in the knowledge that their own gold plated,and still non-contributory pension, will be the last item on the TO DO list along withthe FOI legislation.

F**k me even PK has taken" Bells Bonus",which is in complete contravention of everything he spouted whilst seeking re-election.

Our whole system of governence is going to place every person on this Island back on spuds and herring at this rate.

We may run out of cash, but their pension benefts will remain in place till the last, and then passed on to their dependents as wel! , this whilst"NOBBLERS " will not have the ability or resources left to treat a broken toe.

Rant not over.


Given Friday's Indy front page I don't think the Department of Social Care would agree about the papers being in Government's pocket! Get real.

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