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With all the problems in various countries recently, this video doesn't surprise me somehow and if I was a betting woman, then I'd say that this will escalate to further problems.



Pakistan Shuts Nato Convoy Route (Nov 26th 2011)

Pakistan has blocked the vital supply route for Nato troops fighting in Afghanistan after Pakistani troops were killed in an attack allegedly by alliance aircraft.

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It could be a classic fog of war situation.


The US/Afghan troops on patrol claimed they were fired on first. They may well have been but by who isn't clear. So they called down fire on a target which turned out to be Pakistani Army.


It's very frustrating for NATO. There are Taliban camps inside the Pakistan border from where they launch attacks into Afghanistan. NATO is not allowed to cross the border into Pakistan to deal with them and it's all further confused by the fact that no-one is actually sure where the border is!


I sometimes wonder if Pakistan are not simply hedging their bets. Keep the Taliban busy in Afghanistan and they're not stirring up trouble in Pakistan.

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That's good to hear GK, as I noticed that they've teamed up with China and recently practised some War Games together and with China having (fit availability) 318 million plus males and 300 million plus females available for military service, with Pakistan having 37 million males and another 37 million females, then they look quite a powerful pairing.


Edited to add:

A Pakistani government emergency committee convened in Islamabad announced today that Pakistan would " 'revisit and undertake a complete review of all programs, activities and cooperative arrangements' with the US, and US-led forces in Afghanistan, 'including diplomatic, political, military and intelligence.' "


Does the big game unfold? Probably not, but India must be a little concerned, even though they have some 490 million male/female personnel fit for duty

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Dont forget to put russia into that lot as well,


With them going on TV last week and saying that if the USA do not stop building the missile defence in the EU, That they put there own units on alert are pre targeting the USA missile defence, there own units put on alert and that they would pull out of the stars treaty and start re-arming with nukes.


More saber bashing and they did the same in 09 and it worked with the USA backing down that time. But they said this time they would carry on building them but. Its all getting a bit fun over there at the moment,



Just to add to this.

Pakistan has closed the supply route for the forseable future, and the russians are now saying that if the US do not back down over the missile defence, than they will block the only other route of supply to the troops in afgahanstan,


O and Israel just had rockets fired from lebanon at them which they have returned fire, and now hold the lebanon and the lebanese military accountable for the rockets.

Its all going off in the middle east

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It's all being stirred up nicely, at coincidentally the time that the whole world economy looks like it's going down the toilet. Nothing like a big ol' shoot em up on a number of continents to deflect attention from a collapsing world economy. As far as solutions go nothing beats a world war when it comes to resetting a global financial system, and the usual suspects are aligning themselves with each other on opposing sides ready for it.

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Iran public took over UK embassy,

The uk has since told all iran ambassadors to leave the UK in 48 hours.

UK foreign secretary says attack on UK embassy in Tehran could not have taken place without some degree of Iranian regime consent

Prime Minister David Cameron says he will consider taking some very tough action after attack on UK Embassy in Tehran

France germany recalling there ambassadors for talks, italy deciding they might

Iran calls British move to close Iran embassy in London 'hasty'; says Iran will take 'further appropriate action.


Netherlands also recalling their Ambassador from Teheran.


And so the isolation starts.


There is talk of a oil embargo from the UK on iran, lets hope they have sorted out other oil produces to up supply or the price will go up big time

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It's all being stirred up nicely, at coincidentally the time that the whole world economy looks like it's going down the toilet. Nothing like a big ol' shoot em up on a number of continents to deflect attention from a collapsing world economy. As far as solutions go nothing beats a world war when it comes to resetting a global financial system, and the usual suspects are aligning themselves with each other on opposing sides ready for it.

Shoot up? This is highly unlikely to come to anything like war or military conflict.
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It's all being stirred up nicely, at coincidentally the time that the whole world economy looks like it's going down the toilet. Nothing like a big ol' shoot em up on a number of continents to deflect attention from a collapsing world economy. As far as solutions go nothing beats a world war when it comes to resetting a global financial system, and the usual suspects are aligning themselves with each other on opposing sides ready for it.

Shoot up? This is highly unlikely to come to anything like war or military conflict.


O i dont know.

look at iraq, afghan, libya. hell libya to be fair did come out of the blue.

Only really sryia left to take out and then its on to bigger fish.

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The economic and political circumstances were entirely different when the bombings and invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan were conducted. Libya was simply an opportunistic attempt to do some light military work in support of the rebels, i.e. make sure you help the winning side.

But a war against Iran is a different matter. It would be a tougher task to remove the regime; there isn't the money; there isn't the public support; the USA would be the only country with the capability to carry it out and it would almost certainly be alone.

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But its the spoils of war they are looking at.

The amount of oil iran has, and becoming on of the leaders and drivers of opec, is a big big reason for gov to go in and do what they do best, fook it all up.


LDV there is allways money for war.



But god knows what them lot in power will do. not a lot we hope.

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Yes, they have an interest in that oil. And there is a strong interest in making sure that no nations exist in that region which will become militarily strong and in line with western economic and military strategic interests. But this does not in any way mean that invasion or attack is what the West wants and will carry out.

As I mentioned, the circumstances in many respects are against using military force. And doing so could be extremely risky. It is too big a gamble. Iraq and Afghanistan lie astride Iran and the situation in those countries is not stable. It poses a problem for the West.

And Iran's nuclear capability is not enough cause to justify war. This isn't the same as Iraq.

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And Iran's nuclear capability is not enough cause to justify war. This isn't the same as Iraq.


Yes your right this is not the same as Iraq. This is worse. Iran hates the west and it hates the UK more than most along with the uSA. yes they brought it on themselfs, but these people have not forgotten what happiend.

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But how much the people hate the UK and USA is not really very relevant. This isn't some situation of 'I don't you' and 'I don't like you either' 'so let's war' situation. As for the government of Iran, they certainly don't have a opinion of the USA and UK. Nor should they. But how much they dislike the governments is not relevant to what is going on here and what might happen.

The USA and UK are not themselves threatened by Iran. Their interests in the Middle East could be.

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