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If any backpedaling is to be done, it should be by you.


Your quote on Sharon is simply a piece of made-up anti-semitism/anti-zionism. It's guilty on both counts, your propaganda specifically states :


"we, the jewish people control america"




"we, the israeli people control america"


...so it's basically implicating all Jewish people in a made-up international conspiracy, in which they supposedly have a part, Israeli or not.


It smacks of "The Protocols of Zion" to me, a piece of anti-Jewish hate speech disguised as a political comment.


Do you actually believe it was said, or would you agree it's propaganda ?

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If any backpedaling is to be done, it should be by you.


Your quote on Sharon is simply a piece of made-up anti-semitism/anti-zionism. It's guilty on both counts, your propaganda specifically states :


"we, the jewish people control america"




"we, the israeli people control america"


...so it's basically implicating all Jewish people in a made-up international conspiracy, in which they supposedly have a part, Israeli or not.


It smacks of "The Protocols of Zion" to me, a piece of anti-Jewish hate speech disguised as a political comment.


Do you actually believe it was said, or would you agree it's propaganda ?


You're taking this thread off topic with your paranoid rantings, go find some other suitable means to vent your textbook racism.

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The Internet is so full of fake quotes and propaganda it's hard to discern what is fact and fiction. For me, the Saron quote falls so easily into lazy stereotypes I believe it is fake. Sure, Lxxx will disagree ... Shrugs.


Israel is a strong US ally, but has its own interests and agenda. Jews have an admirable culture of learning, business savvy, and ensuring they are never again loaded onto trucks to be gassed.


The idea they control the world is ludicrous ... paranoid ravings along the lines of Masons, Jesuits and the Rosecrucians. Is this really your world view, Lxxx?

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LOL, "textbook racism" from someone posting anti-Jewish propaganda, priceless.


I see you're losing your argument with Mollag on the other thread along similar lines.


In your last 5 posts you have used the words anti-semitic or anti-jewish in every one. It's lazy and pathetic. I am neither, but do I have a problem with the zionist lunatics that govern the country of Israel? Absolutely. There is a huge difference.

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The Internet is so full of fake quotes and propaganda it's hard to discern what is fact and fiction. For me, the Saron quote falls so easily into lazy stereotypes I believe it is fake. Sure, Lxxx will disagree ... Shrugs.


Israel is a strong US ally, but has its own interests and agenda. Jews have an admirable culture of learning, business savvy, and ensuring they are never again loaded onto trucks to be gassed.


The idea they control the world is ludicrous ... paranoid ravings along the lines of Masons, Jesuits and the Rosecrucians. Is this really your world view, Lxxx?


We've been down this road before Chinahand, everyone who disagrees with your view of the world is cuckoo, so I'll just keep on cooing by myself thank you.

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In your last 5 posts you have used the words anti-semitic or anti-jewish in every one. It's lazy and pathetic. I am neither, but do I have a problem with the zionist lunatics that govern the country of Israel? Absolutely. There is a huge difference.


Hey, I call it like I see it.


If you're "lazy and pathetic" enough to post an amateurish work of fiction as the mainstay of your argument, don't be surprised if your argument subsequently collapses (and apparently deteriorates into playground name-calling, as it seems to on every thread you contribute to).

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In your last 5 posts you have used the words anti-semitic or anti-jewish in every one. It's lazy and pathetic. I am neither, but do I have a problem with the zionist lunatics that govern the country of Israel? Absolutely. There is a huge difference.


Hey, I call it like I see it.


If you're "lazy and pathetic" enough to post an amateurish work of fiction as the mainstay of your argument, don't be surprised if your argument subsequently collapses (and apparently deteriorates into playground name-calling, as it seems to on every thread you contribute to).


Where's the name calling? You need thicker skin luvvie.

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I was being facetious by pushing the point, I don't expect the US to drop a megaton on Papua New Guinea. However the US has armed smaller nations before via it's vile military-industrial complex and the CIA, and will continue to let other countries do it's dirty work for it behind the scenes, therefore if such a desperate nation with little to lose decides to go loco with it's new toys, chances are the largest rogue nation on earth will be behind it somewhere along the line.

The USA handing over nuclear weapons to non-NPT states? I don't think so. As much as the United States is the international cowboy in many respects, you can't make the link from its specific behaviour of supporting other states military and economically with proliferation or handover of nukes. It would not be in the USA's interests and it wouldn't be easy to cover up. It would be a stupid thing to do.
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I was being facetious by pushing the point, I don't expect the US to drop a megaton on Papua New Guinea. However the US has armed smaller nations before via it's vile military-industrial complex and the CIA, and will continue to let other countries do it's dirty work for it behind the scenes, therefore if such a desperate nation with little to lose decides to go loco with it's new toys, chances are the largest rogue nation on earth will be behind it somewhere along the line.

The USA handing over nuclear weapons to non-NPT states? I don't think so. As much as the United States is the international cowboy in many respects, you can't make the link from its specific behaviour of supporting other states military and economically with proliferation or handover of nukes. It would not be in the USA's interests and it wouldn't be easy to cover up. It would be a stupid thing to do.


Who's talking about nuclear weapons? I mentioned earlier I think the use of this type of weapon is in the past. My point was that the likelihood of any form of 'non-conventional' weapons is chemical or biological, probably sold covertly via the CIA and come back to haunt them once the nation turns 'rogue.'

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I am still stuck in this line of thinking that followed from your response to mention of Pakistan's nuclear weapons. Though, it is far easier to develop biological and chemical weapons within a country rather than getting them off another country. And there is little reason for the US to hand them over when conventional military equipment can be sold for a good price quite openly.

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