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The Death Penalty In China


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This is a photo essay following four convicted drug dealers through their last 12 hours prior to their execution.


The photo's have been slightly doctored to smudge out the eyes of the subjects, which gives them a bit of an air of unreality - eyes tell alot (it seems a bit of a wasted effort - they've blurred out so little it does very little to disguise the identity of the people).


I was struck by the number of light hearted incidents - they clearly have reasonably good relations with their guards with laughter and smiles in quite a few photos. I wonder if they've been given sedatives or something, but suspect that is expecting a bit too much from China's authorities.


McDonalds is a part of the last meals and then they are taken off to be publically sentenced prior to being taken away to be either shot or injected - China felt that shooting people was too messy so has recently invested in portable execution vans which travel from place to place using lethal injections to kill those so sentenced by the PRC courts (though shooting is still very common). An executioner has recently given an interview - he describes the job as "uncomplicated" and says all his victims "deserved what they got".


China's a rough place to commit crimes.


The mundanity of the routine of death adds to my forboding about such practices. I feel they aren't humane.



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I found the smug self important expressions on some of the uniformed flunkies distasteful in the extreme


Reminds me of another place where non entities parade around with similar smug expressions some time around the beginning of July


Of couse the IOM has I believe, a TIE agreement so let's not rock the boat so to speak as our 'leaders and dignitaries' are currently arse licking out that way


Ohh and Bahrain

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This is a photo essay following four convicted drug dealers through their last 12 hours prior to their execution.


The photo's have been slightly doctored to smudge out the eyes of the subjects, which gives them a bit of an air of unreality - eyes tell alot (it seems a bit of a wasted effort - they've

blurred out so little it does very little to disguise the identity of the people).


I was struck by the number of light hearted incidents - they clearly have reasonably good relations with their guards with laughter and

smiles in quite a few photos. I wonder if they've been given sedatives or something, but suspect that is expecting a bit too much from China's authorities.


McDonalds is a part of the last meals and then they are taken off to be publically sentenced prior to being taken away to be either shot or injected - China felt that shooting people was too messy so has recently invested in portable

execution vans which travel from place to place using lethal injections to kill those so sentenced by the PRC courts (though shooting is still very common). An executioner has recently given an interview - he describes the job as "uncomplicated" and says all his victims "deserved what they got".


China's a rough place to commit crimes.


The mundanity of the routine of death adds to my forboding about such practices. I feel they aren't humane.



I found this hurt my heart and made me cry. I don't understand if these are large amounts of drugs these women were sentenced to death for carrying, and of course I don't know why these women fell into drug trafficking - abuse, poverty, neglect?

I find it astounding that McDonalds is the last meal given - and felt sick at the preparation of

death outfit and grooming.

Do these women have children, families....there is something ( rightly or wrongly ) even more deep about women being in this situation. They must have been terrified, desperate, manic, chaotic, knowing what is about to be.

I learned something - and actually would like to know more. How many people are put to death for what in China?

This just reinforces my instinct that killing anyone, legally or illegally is wrong.

Thank you for sharing.

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If this is the way that another country deals with drug dealers, what business is it of yours. We have enough crime on the streets of the uk where innocent people are mugged robbed and murdered by drug dealers and their ilk. Even if they are caught the sentences are so lenient as to be laughable. Bet they don't get too many repeat offenders in China do they

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If that is the way the UK deals with drug dealers, what business is it of yours? We are not the UK, so you have NO business whatsoever commenting on what goes on there. My advice would be shut up and just comment on what happens on the Island. That makes sense, doesn't sense it?




(Hope you have at least some intelligence to grasp the sarcasm there. Let me know if not, I might be able to dumb things down)

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If this is the way that another country deals with drug dealers, what business is it of yours. We have enough crime on the streets of the uk where innocent people are mugged robbed and murdered by drug dealers and their ilk. Even if they are caught the sentences are so lenient as to be laughable. Bet they don't get too many repeat offenders in China do they


So what is your view if someone is subsequently found to be innocent, after they've been shot?

Presumably you would think it fine if the Birmingham six had been executed, only to be cleared of the crime a year later?

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If this is the way that another country deals with drug dealers, what business is it of yours. We have enough crime on the streets of the uk where innocent people are mugged robbed and murdered by drug dealers and their ilk. Even if they are caught the sentences are so lenient as to be laughable. Bet they don't get too many repeat offenders in China do they


So what is your view if someone is subsequently found to be innocent, after they've been shot?

Presumably you would think it fine if the Birmingham six had been executed, only to be cleared of the crime a year later?


And so many others, some of whom, like Timothy Evans, were hanged and then subsequently pardoned.

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If that is the way the UK deals with drug dealers, what business is it of yours? We are not the UK, so you have NO business whatsoever commenting on what goes on there. My advice would be shut up and just comment on what happens on the Island. That makes sense, doesn't sense it?




(Hope you have at least some intelligence to grasp the sarcasm there. Let me know if not, I might be able to dumb things down)


would you like to entertain us and describe how you would dumb down an already dumb posting

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If this is the way that another country deals with drug dealers, what business is it of yours. We have enough crime on the streets of the uk where innocent people are mugged robbed and murdered by drug dealers and their ilk. Even if they are caught the sentences are so lenient as to be laughable. Bet they don't get too many repeat offenders in China do they


So what is your view if someone is subsequently found to be innocent, after they've been shot?

Presumably you would think it fine if the Birmingham six had been executed, only to be cleared of the crime a year later?


You obviously have trouble reading CP, the woman has offended several times so hardly innocent. You obviously also realise that China does not do appeals so they are not likely to be found innocent are they. I am just commenting that we have no right to decide how other countries deal with their offenders.

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If this is the way that another country deals with drug dealers, what business is it of yours. We have enough crime on the streets of the uk where innocent people are mugged robbed and murdered by drug dealers and their ilk. Even if they are caught the sentences are so lenient as to be laughable. Bet they don't get too many repeat offenders in China do they


So what is your view if someone is subsequently found to be innocent, after they've been shot?

Presumably you would think it fine if the Birmingham six had been executed, only to be cleared of the crime a year later?


And so many others, some of whom, like Timothy Evans, were hanged and then subsequently pardoned.


So what about the numerous other victims of "innocent" people being let off in court or the sentence not being anywhere near what it should be

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If this is the way that another country deals with drug dealers, what business is it of yours. We have enough crime on the streets of the uk where innocent people are mugged robbed and murdered by drug dealers and their ilk. Even if they are caught the sentences are so lenient as

to be laughable. Bet they don't get too many repeat offenders in China do they


So what is your view if someone is subsequently found to be innocent, after they've been shot?

Presumably you would think it fine if the Birmingham six had been executed, only to be cleared of the crime a year later?


You obviously have trouble reading CP, the woman has offended several times so hardly innocent. You obviously also realise that China does not do appeals so they are not likely to be found innocent are they. I am just commenting

that we have no right to decide how other countries deal with their offenders.

Maybe not..... But we are entitled to an opinion - yes? I think the Uk are too lenient and should be stricter, but am I not allowed to say that if I live on the Isle of Man? With all due respect - it's a blinkered person that doesn't look outside their own personal space.

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